Legal studies are classes one takes to prepare for a career in the law field. These may prepare one to be a lawyer, an assistant or a legal secretary.
Legal studies is an interdisciplinary field that involves the study of law and legal systems. It covers a wide range of topics such as legal theory, history of law, court systems, and legal reasoning. Students pursuing legal studies often explore the role of law in various societal contexts and its impact on individuals and communities.
A person who studies bird is a ornithologist
An entomologist studies insects and spiders. An arachnologist studies spiders specifically.
A person who studies alligators is called a herpetologist.
A person who studies birds is called an Ornitholoigst
A scientist that studies bats is called a chiropterologist.
The Journal of Legal Studies was created in 1972.
What jobs can you get with a bachelor's degree in legal studies
What jobs can you get with a bachelor's degree in legal studies
Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies was created in 2010.
Center for Transnational Legal Studies was created in 2008.
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies was created in 1981.
African Journal of Legal Studies was created in 2004.
Journal of Empirical Legal Studies was created in 2004.
Dalhousie Journal of Legal Studies was created in 1992.
Institute of Advanced Legal Studies was created in 1946.
National University of Advanced Legal Studies was created in 2005.
economics, business studies and legal studies