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Some items Lewis and Clark brought back from their expedition include detailed maps of the territory, plant and animal specimens, Native American artifacts, newfound knowledge of geography and Natural Resources, and journals documenting their experiences.

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Q: What are five things that Lewis and Clark brought back from their trip?
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What did Lewis and clark bring back?

Lewis and Clark brought back various samples of plants and animals, maps, journals detailing their travels, and valuable information about the geography and native peoples of the newly explored territories. They also brought back newfound knowledge about potential trade routes and resources in the region.

What info did the Lewis and Clark expedition bring back?

The Lewis and Clark expedition brought back valuable information about the geography, flora, fauna, and indigenous peoples of the American West. They also provided detailed maps, scientific data, and insights into potential resources for future settlement and development. Additionally, they established diplomatic relations with various Native American tribes along their journey.

Were William Clark and Meriwether Lewis related?

There is no known family connection between Lewis and Clark, but this doesn't not mean there isn't one. Meriwether Lewis's family tree has been researched back through at least 32 generations with links to both European Royalty and American Presidents. William Clark's ancestry is a bit murkier as it pretty much hits a brick wall after going back a mere 5 generations.

Why were Lewis and Clark lucky?

They were lucky because they made it all the way to Pacific Ocean and back.

What did Lewis and Clark bring back from their expedition?

Lewis and Clark brought back detailed maps, scientific discoveries, and knowledge of new plants and animals found during their expedition. They also established relationships with Native American tribes and gathered valuable information about the Western terrain and resources.

Related questions

What information did Lewis and Clark bring back with them?

They brought back maps

What kinds of animals did Lewis and clark see?

Lewis and Clark brought a prarie dog back with them.

What information did lewis and clark expedition bring back?

they brought back valueable scientific and geographic information

What did Lewis and clark bring back?

Lewis and Clark brought back various samples of plants and animals, maps, journals detailing their travels, and valuable information about the geography and native peoples of the newly explored territories. They also brought back newfound knowledge about potential trade routes and resources in the region.

When did Lewis and Clark get back from the expedition?

Lewis and Clark got back from there expedition on February 22nd

What did Lewis and Clark do with the things they collected?

Some were buried, others were sent back to wasington.

What did Lewis and clark bring back to Jefferson?

they brought back maps of the Louisiana purchase and the Oregon Country. They also brought knowledge about the Indian tribes living in the west of continental USA

Did Lewis and clark ride on horse back?

No, Lewis and Clark went by ships and wagons pulled by oxen.

Was Lewis and clark apart of a fraternity?

they didnt have fraternities back then dummy and Lewis and Clark are two serarate people, so the correct grammar would be "WERE Lewis and clark..."

How much miles did Lewis and Clark explore before heading back?

Lewis and Clark explored 8,000 miles before heading back.

Who was on the Lewis and clark expedition on 1804-1805?

Lewis and clark obviously. lead by Sacajawea who carried her child on her back throughout the expidition Lewis and clark obviously. lead by Sacajawea who carried her child on her back throughout the expidition

When did Lewis and Clark get back home?