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There is no advantage to natural breeding. Both natural and unnatural can yield either beneficial, insignificant, or unwanted differences. Dog and cat breeding are examples of ignorant unnatural selection, as they may yield animals that are desirable for different reasons, but often at the expense of the animal's health. However, animals can and are sometimes bred with health in mind as well.

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10y ago

A true breeding organism, sometimes also called a pure-bred, is an organism that always passes down a certain phenotypic trait to its offspring. An organism is referred to as true breeding for each trait to which this applies, and the term "true breeding" is also used to describe individual genetic traits. In Mendelian genetics, this means that an organism must be homozygous for every trait for which it is considered true breeding. Apomixis and parthenogenesis, types of asexual reproduction, also result in true breeding, although the organisms are usually not homozygous. Kik me for more information at elindo2bonito by benigno sierra

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14y ago

less money, but more of a chance for the breeding to go wrong, and get little babies that have stuff wrong with them. <3peace out

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12y ago

to list a few:

helps prevent the animal from dying (from fights)

if you breed it, it will love you more and will always return

there are others

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less cheaper

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Q: What are the benefits of breeding animal until they are pure bred?
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Why would breeding dogs support Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection?

Selective breeding supports Darwins theory because, we adapt to our environments and believe whoever is compatible with breeding will pass on the trait, even if that means outside their own species.

How is the theory of evolution viewed today?

Among scientists the theory of evolution is well accepted. Among some religious ideologues, not so much. But how one " views " the theory of evolution by natural selection has nothing to do with the veracity of the theory.

What are broilers?

A broiler is a special breed of chickne bred specifically for meat. Some breeeds of broilers can be harvested at ages 6-8 weeks, depending on the gender.Broiler chickens are chickens that are bred just for meat. They are bred to grow really fast. Alot of times these chicks will die from heart attacks. This is because they grow too fast for their heart. Broiler chickens dont have a long lifespan. They only live for a few weeks (if they are not slaughtered they are lucky to live past a year.) Eventually their legs give out because they can no longer support all of the weight.

What is a purebread?

In pure line plant breeding the seeds of a homozygous plant are seeded and harvested separately plant wise. Again the population of each plant is raised separately in separate lines and selection is made on the basis of well defined characters to avoid off types. The seeds of identical plants are bulked and field trials are conducted for yield and other nobleties such as disease &amp; pest resistance etc.

What is the flavr savr?

The Flavr Savr is a new tomato developed through biotechnology. On May 18, 1994, the Food and Drug Administration announced that the Flavr Savr was as safe as tomatoes bred by conventional means. This was the first time the FDA has evaluated a whole food produced by biotechnology.

Related questions

What are the benefits of breeding animals until they are pure bred?

to list a few: helps prevent the animal from dying (from fights) if you breed it, it will love you more and will always return there are others

Does Breeding of animals prevent animals from over breeding?

No. Animals will continue to breed as long as there is other animals of their species to breed to. However, no animal can ever be "over-bred."

How is cross breeding different from selective breeding?

Cross breeding is simply taking two breeds of animals and mating them together (Such as a Charolais crossed with a Hereford). Where selective breeding is selecting the what two animals you want bred together to produce a better animal.

What are the impact of of crosss breeding between okapii?

Well, the okapi can be in danger if the cross bred animal is mutated and can set the whole species off.

What is in breeding in animals?

Mass selection in animal breeding is when certain animals are chosen for certain desirable traits to pass on. Once those animals are obtained, they are bred to control what traits the offspring have and to create varying lines.

What is mass selection in animals breeding?

Mass selection in animal breeding is when certain animals are chosen for certain desirable traits to pass on. Once those animals are obtained, they are bred to control what traits the offspring have and to create varying lines.

What does PBNR mean in dog breeding?

PBNR in dog breeding means: Pure Bred Non Registered.

True-breeding organisms is called?

Homozygous, or pure bred.

Is breeder a noun verb or adjective?

The word breeder is a noun, a singular, common noun; a word for a person who breeds animals or plants; an animal kept to produce offspring; a nuclear reactor designed to produce more fissionable material than it uses as fuel (a breeder reactor). The verb form is to breed, breeds, breeding, bred. The adjective form is the present participle of the verb, breeding (breeding stock), and the past participle, bred (often applied to a person as a well bred person).

Is breeded the past tense of breed?

Past tense of breed or breeding is bred.

Where does the term pure breeding come from?

The term &quot;pure breeding&quot; comes from the practice of selectively mating individuals with the same or similar genotypes to maintain specific traits or characteristics in offspring. This controlled breeding method is often used in genetics and animal breeding to produce consistent traits in subsequent generations.

Why are cattle bred by artificial selection?

They are not. Cattle (cows and heifers) are bred either via artificial insemination, or natural breeding.