This is a strange question.
Irish Terriers are, themselves, a breed of dog.
There are no "breeds of Irish Terrier", nor are there any sub-groups or variations on the breed (as compared to, say, the English Bulldog versus the American Bulldog, or the English Cocker Spaniel, versus the American Cocker Spaniel).
Here is a list of Welsh dog breeds:Black and Tan TerrierCardigan Welsh CorgiOld Welsh Grey SheepdogPembroke Welsh CorgiSealyham TerrierWelsh HilmanWelsh HoundWelsh SheepdogWelsh Springer SpanielWelsh Terrier
A terrier mix is a dog that is a crossbreed between a terrier breed and another breed. This mix can result in a variety of sizes, coat types, and temperaments depending on the specific breeds involved. Terrier mixes often combine the energy and intelligence of terriers with characteristics of the other parent breed.
His name: Tommy, His breed: Terrier
Yes, the Airedale Terrier is also known as the Waterside Terrier, the Bingley Terrier and the King of Terriers.
Smooth fox terrier?
Irish terrier
Ibizan Hound, Italian Spinone, Irish Wolfhound, Irish Setter, Irish Terrier, Irish Water Spaniel, Italian Greyhound
The AKC states this dog is an Irish Terrier
It is believed that the Irish Terrier is one of the oldest terrier breeds. The breed is thought to be two thousand years old, but the earliest images we have of it is in a painting of the 1700's. The exact breeds it descended from are unknown, but they were originally found in Country Cork, Ireland. The Irish Terrier was used to hunt den animals such as otter, and water rats and as a retriever and war time messenger. The Irish Terrier was recognized by the AKC in 1885 and a United States' breed club was started in 1896. Some of the Irish Terrier's talents include: hunting, tracking, retrieving, ratter, watchdog, guarding, police work, and military work.
There is only one pitbull breed. The names you hear are the bloodlines names within the breed. Dogo would refer to some bull breed names which the pitbull isn't related.
Judge And Gyp
Usually the terrier breed. Like the cairn terrier and the jack russel. Also, the teacup breed. Like the teacup poodle. They are extremely small dogs.
What is the breed for a terrier?
I believe the dog is a Terrier Mix breed of either North Irish or Scottish.
Here they are Irish Setter Irish Wolfhound Lurcher Irish Terrier Kerry Blue Terrier Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Glen of Imaal Terrier Irish Water Spaniel Irish Red-And-White Setter Kerry Beagle
There are a few dog breeds that can be put under the term 'pit bull': American pit bull terrier American staffordshire terrier Staffordshire bull terrier and there is a breed called Irish staffordshire bull terrier People argue that the APBT and the Amstaff are one and the same breed, but others argue that the bloodlines have been apart too long for them to be considered the same breed.