Animals that live in water called Aquatic animals. There are equal number of animals in water that are on earth. The name of animals that live in water areHagfishElectric EelPlatypusCuttlefishMantis ShrimpSalmonand many more....
Some animals that live in water are fish, dolphins, sharks, and jellyfish.
monkeywolffoxeswild boarslionssquirrel animals can live on the ground but and under the groundhedgehogmolesnakemouseharerat animals habitat can be a waterturtlecan be on the groundcrocodilecan be on the groundfrogcan be on the grounddolphinlizard
There are many animals that live in and near the river Liffey. These animals include fish and many species of birds.
Parasites are animals that live only at the expense of others; since they cannot thrive on their own, they use other animals as a host. Parasites are animals that live only at the expense of others; since they cannot thrive on their own, they use other animals as a host.
subtropical animals are animals that live in the subtropics. subtropical animals are animals that live in the subtropics.
animals live's in logs
the animals that live in Venezuela are mammals
Animals mostly live in the wild.
No animals live on the Antarctic continent.
what animals live on ranches
so animals can live. without water animals can't live. Animals live in biomolecules
Animals which live on the surface of other animals are called parasites.
No animals are known to live in the atmosphere, as it lacks the necessary resources to support life such as food, water, and shelter. The atmosphere is composed of gases and extends from Earth's surface up to outer space, making it inhospitable for animal life. Animals typically inhabit the lithosphere (land), hydrosphere (water), and biosphere (areas where life exists).
Abandon animals can live anywhere. Often they live where they were left.
Animals that live in water called Aquatic animals. There are equal number of animals in water that are on earth. The name of animals that live in water areHagfishElectric EelPlatypusCuttlefishMantis ShrimpSalmonand many more....
some animals do live there. not too much tho. only animals that can live there, actually live there. HELPED YOU OUT THERE? No Worries!! xP