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Birds swallow very small rocks that are used by their gizzards to grind their food.

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Q: What animal swallows rocks to aid digestion?
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What animal swallows rocks to aid in digestion?

sea lion

Which Australian mammal swallows large amounts of soil with its food?

The echidna is the Australian mammal that swallows large amounts of soil with its food. The soil helps to aid in the digestion of insects by grinding them up in its stomach.

What did dinosaurs eat to grind up there food?

Sauropods, who were plant-eating dinosaurs, used rocks to grind their food to aid in digestion. These rocks are called gastroliths.

What organ in birds hold rocks that they swallow to help with digestion?

The organ in birds that holds swallowed rocks to aid in digestion is called the gizzard. The gizzard uses these rocks to grind up food before it moves on to the rest of the digestive system.

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The stomach uses peristalsis and pepsin to aid digestion.

What animal is big red and eats rocks?

A giraffe is sometimes referred to as "big red" due to its large size and reddish-brown patches on its skin. Giraffes have been observed eating rocks as a form of geophagy to aid in digestion and obtain necessary minerals.

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yes some bacteria help aid digestion

How does the prostate gland aid digestion?

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How do ridges within the stomach aid in mechanical digestion?

They aid digestion in the same manner as dermal ridges aka: fingerprints aid in gripping. The same as ridges on the sole of a shoe aids traction.

What is the function of the buds formed by hydras?

They aid in digestion

What parts in the mouth aid in digestion?

Every part of the mouth aids in digestion. This includes the tongue and teeth. The mouth is responsible for the first part of digestion.