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No. Woodchucks or groundhogs are members of the squirrel family, and are herbivores.

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Not normally, they are herbivores, quite docile.

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Q: What animal is a woodchuck?
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How do you use the word woodchuck in a sentence?

you dang woodchuck stop chuckin my wood

What is a male and female woodchuck called?

Some references say that a group of squirrels is called a dray, while some indicate that a dray refers specifically to a nest of a mother squirrel and her babies. Other references say that a group of squirrels is called a scurry. notes that squirrels are actually solitary animals and no group name is officially recognized.

How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

The original meaning of the word chuck as it is applied in the case of the woodchuck is 'a dweller' in other words the 'dweller of the woods' or 'that thing that lives in the woods.' Used as a verb the word chuck means 'to throw'. So my opinion is no, woodchucks do not chuck wood.

Wildlife animal looks like a squirrel lives underground?

You might be referring to a ground squirrel, which is a type of squirrel that burrows and lives in underground tunnels. Ground squirrels are commonly found in North America and are known for their distinctive foraging and social behavior.

Animal beging with n?

* moose * monkey * mite * monarch butterfly * mallard duck * magpie (bird) * musky (fish) * millipede * moth * mammoth * mouse * mastiff (dog) * mule * merkeet * mud puppy (salamander) * mountain goat * mosquito * mongoose * mollusk * mink * merganser (duck) * Mediterranean fruit fly * mayfly * marmot (rodent, like a woodchuck) * marlin (fish) * macaw (bird) * musk ox

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Is there an animal called a woodchuck?


Where in the world are the animal woodchuck found?


What is a wood chuck besides somthing that chucks wood is it an animal or a tool?

A woodchuck is an animal I'm pretty sure. How can a woodchuck be a tool anyway?! And so the ever famos question arises again: How much wood COULD a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood...?

Is the woodchuck the same as a gopher?

A prairie dog is a western animal that is similar to a woodchuck.

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What animal in Kansas looks like a beaver but has a small tail with fairly long hair?

I just saw the same animal in our backyard ...... I think it is a woodchuck.

IS Emily a Woodchuck?

Yes, Emily is a Woodchuck, a very very very scary Woodchuck

What is an animal related to the rabbit with a thick body and coarse fur it borrows into the ground and sleeps all winter?


Who wrote how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

The original tongue-twister is of unknown origin. In it,"How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?is paired with"A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could if a woodchuck could chuck wood."or"As much wood as a woodchuck would, if a woodchuck could chuck wood."

how much can a woodchuck chuck wood if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

a woodchuck could try to chuck as much wood as a woodchuck who could chuck wood

What is the original answer given in reply to the tongue twister How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?

Woodchuck Tongue Twister:How much wood would a woodchuck chuckif a woodchuck could chuck wood?Answer given in reply;He would chuck, he would, as much as he could,and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck wouldif a woodchuck could chuck wood.

How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chouldk wod?

a woodchuck could chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could if a woodchuck could chuck wood.