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a dog can not see color.But they have very good vision for black and white. Their was one dog who could see a little color he was named the colerado dog, its a wierd name i know but that's what the owners named him, he was a very smart dog.

--WRONG! Dogs can see a few colors.

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8mo ago

Dogs are dichromats, which means they can see colors but have limited color vision compared to humans. They see colors in a range of blues and yellows, but they have difficulty distinguishing between reds and greens. This is due to having only two types of color receptors in their eyes (as opposed to humans who have three).

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Q: Whart color can a dog see?
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they can see in color, you can ask me! One animal that can't see in color, or, color blind, is a dog! that is a very good question though!

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