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Well... Zombies are derived from Shaman witchcraft, where the Shaman apparently brought someone back from the dead. So go find a Shaman and ask him/her to do this, if they will.

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Q: Were and how can you see a zombie?
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What to do if you see a zombie?

you should run if you see a zoombie

When do you see the Michael Jackson zombie in Plants vs Zombies?

You get it when you are on 3-watever and the mickal Jackson zombie is now the dancer zombie.

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What actors and actresses appeared in See the Dead - 2008?

The cast of See the Dead - 2008 includes: Vanelle as Sarah Clara Campagna as Zombie Extra Zerubabel Chickoree as Police Officer 1 Jennifer Crosby as Zombie Extra Tanaja Donovan as Zombie Extra Stephanie Ellis Bratton as Zombie Extra Shareese Ellison as Zombie Extra Ronnie Futrell as Zombie Extra Kendra Hester as Zombie Extra Jenneh Jawara as Zombie Extra Janine Lorraine as Zombie Extra Sam Orlov as Police Officer 3 Kacheena Osuarji as Zombie Extra Phillip Stilwell as Zombie Extra Savannah Stilwell as Zombie Extra Zoe Stilwell as Zombie Extra Alexander Stilwell as Zombie Extra Ben Yemba as Twitcher Zombie

Joe zombie 7 when is coming out?

Joe Zombie Episode 7 is not coming out, its been a few years since it didn't come out and Robdenbleyer (creator of Joe Zombie) cancelled the final installment (Joe Zombie 7) and now he's doing comics and other stuff and if you want to see Joe Zombie 7, go on Killing Spree 5 of stick page and see Joe Zombie die

What is the total and most absoloute way to kill a zombie?

Shoot it in the head. See the virus that makes it a zombie goes to the brain.

How many zombie maps are there in black-ops for Wii?

The Nintendo Wii can only get 3 of the 9 possible zombie maps for Black Ops. see related zombie mode for identification and information on all of the 9 zombie maps

Can you download zombie life on your computer?

the awnser is yes because on facebook u have zombie farm so why not zombie life so go on face book and see wat u can find

How does a child process become a Zombie process?

See related links

I want to see if you can tell me where did the zombies from on nazi zombies?

If you want to see a zombie go to a grave and kill the zombie. Then you flee and then slice the the nipple apart and eat the nails while chewing on bubble gum.

How do you find Chinese zombie in plant vs zombie?

You scroll down the achievements list past the achievements and down as far as you can and you will see the Chinese zombies.

Where can you see trailers for Zombie Attack from Outer Space?

You can watch trailers for the movie "Zombie Attack from Outer Space" on You tube. The link is mentioned below. And also on the official site of Zombie Attack from the link mentioned below.