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Q: Was lamarcks idea of acquired traits proven or rejected?
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Which idea did lamarck propose that was rejected by his fellow scientists?

That organisms pass on traits acquired in their lifetimes. It was rejected in favour of Darwinian evolution, in which species and not individuals evolve, but Larmarckism is valid to a point where epigenetics is concerned.

Which idea did Lamarck propose that was rejected by fellow scientist?

That organisms pass on traits acquired in their lifetimes. It was rejected in favour of Darwinian evolution, in which species and not individuals evolve, but Larmarckism is valid to a point where epigenetics is concerned.

What are Lamarcks's contributions to evolution?

Two pertinent ideas of Lamarck were the idea of acquired characteristics and the concept of use and disuse. Acquired characteristics posited that some experience that an organisms went through in life, such as muscle building due to hard work, would be heritable. Use and disuse posited that certain organs and traits could develop through use, such as the giraffe trying to eat the leaves on the heights of trees, or that organs or traits could be lost through disuse.

How does evolution by natural selection differ from lamarcks view of evolution?

Evolution by natural selection, proposed by Charles Darwin, suggests that individuals with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and pass on those traits to their offspring, leading to changes in populations over time. Lamarck's view of evolution, on the other hand, proposed the inheritance of acquired traits, where organisms could pass on traits that they acquired during their lifetime. The key difference is that in natural selection, the advantageous traits are already present in the population and selected for, while Lamarck's theory suggests that organisms can actively acquire and pass on new traits.

What kind of traits are traits that people deliberately change?

manipulated acquired traits

What aspect of Jean Baptiste Lamarcks theories concerning the inheritance of acquired traits has been proved false?

The aspect of Lamarck's theory that has been proved false is the idea that acquired traits can be inherited by offspring. This concept has been discredited by modern genetics, which has shown that traits acquired during an individual's lifetime through environmental influences are not passed on to future generations through genetic inheritance.

What is an example of traits that you would expect to inherit if Lamarck's explanation of evolution were correct?

if I were to inherit traits based on Lamarcks explanation of evolution were correct we wouldn't be the people we are now. Lamarcks´ explanation was that acquired characteristics were genetically passed to the offspring so if that were so, the human brains would be much more developed, more knowledge, and bigger parts of the body. This question is also tricky since a human would turn out to be a giant by the time they got to the 100th offspring

What are some acquired traits you have?


Traits that are due to are considered to be acquired traits.?

disease, injuries, and nutrients.

What is acquired traits?

Acquired traits are characteristics or traits that an organism develops during its lifetime as a result of environmental influences or experiences. These traits are not inherited genetically and cannot be passed on to offspring. Examples of acquired traits include language skills, knowledge, and physical changes due to exercise.

What are some acquired traits for lions?


Do identical twins have the same acquired traits?

Identical twins do not have the same acquired traits. Acquired traits are influenced by environmental factors and individual experiences, which can differ between identical twins despite their genetic similarity.