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Arthropods, more specifically, crustaceans, have a thick, tough cuticle and two pair of antennae. The cuticle acts as an exoskeleton and two pair of antennae to help them find food and keep them safe.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

The presence of a thick cuticle and two pairs of antennae are characteristic features of insects, which help them protect their bodies and sense their environment effectively. The cuticle acts as a protective barrier against physical injury and dehydration, while the antennae aid in detecting various stimuli such as food, mates, and predators.

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How do crustaceans arachnids and centipedes and millipedes differ?

A crustacean is an arthropod that has two or three body sections, five or more pairs of legs, and two pairs of antennae. Arachnids are arthropods with two body sections, four pairs of legs, and no antennae. Arachnids are arthropods with two body sections, four pairs of legs, and no antennae.

Crustaceans are the only arthropods that have?

Crustaceans have exoskeletons, two pairs of antennae, two pairs of maxillae, biramous legs, and mandibles, which are like jaws.

How many antennae does a lobster have?

Lobsters, like all crustaceans, have two pairs of antennae.

How many antennae does a crab have?

Shrimp have six legs. They also have four pleopods.

The possession of two pairs of antennae is a characteristic of?

The possession of two pairs of antennae is a characteristic of crustaceans, which are a diverse group of arthropods that include crabs, lobsters, and shrimp. These antennae are used for sensing the environment, detecting food, and communicating with other members of the species.

How many pairs of antennae do a shrimp have?

They have 5 pairs of "legs" (-> 10 legs) [paraeopodes], but only use 6 of them for walking. 2 pairs have little pincers. They also have 5 pairs (-> 10 legs) of swimminglegs [pleopodes]. This gives them 20 legs or 10 pairs out of which they use 6 or 3 pairs for walking.

How many antennas does a crustacean have?

Crustaceans are the only arthropods with two pairs of antennae

What crustaceans need to be a crustaeans?

Crustaceans have two pairs of antennae, two pairs of maxillae, a mandible, which are like jaws, biramous legs, and are covered in an exoskeleton.

What arthropods have two pairs of antennae?

Crustaceans are arthropods characterized (and classified) by their biramous (branching) appendages, which include two antenna pairs. The smaller set are referred to as antennules. All other arthropod groups have one pair except chelicerates and proturans, which have no antennae.

What are the example of crustaceans?

Crustaceans are animals like crabs, lobsters, and crayfish. Crustaceans have two pairs of antennae, two pairs of maxillae, and mandibles, which are like jaws. They are biramous, which means their legs bend in two places.