The Xiphophorus helleri known also as swordtail is one of the impressive fish among the livebearers. Its tail look like a sword, his native color was metal green but today we can see swordtails in many varieties such as green, orange, yellow and the most common is the red swordtail. It requires 10 gallon tank and up, even though they can handle themselves with other fish don't keep them with tropical fish big enough to eat them, weekly water changes are needed, will appreciate plants as a hiding places in their tank.
Swordtail fish are small Freshwater Fish native to Central America. They are named for the distinct elongated lower lobe on their tail fin, resembling a sword. Swordtail fish are peaceful and social, making them popular in community aquariums and they are known for their vibrant colors and ease of care in aquariums.
Swordtail fish are not inherently dangerous to humans. They are peaceful freshwater fish often kept in home aquariums. However, they may exhibit aggressive behavior towards other fish in the tank if overcrowded or if their territory is threatened.
The use of fish tail is that its help the Fish swim faster than its preadator. Like if the Shark was after a Fish than the fish wolud have to use its tail to swim faster than its preadator which is Shark.
The fish with a curled tail is likely a Siamese fighting fish, also known as a Betta fish. Betta fish are known for their vibrant colors and flowing fins, as well as their distinctive curled tail shape.
The fish you are referring to is likely the Black Molly (Poecilia sphenops). They are known for their distinct black coloration with white or yellow dots on their tail.
Fish with viscera, head and tail removed (some fish may have the tail on) but with skin and bone retained.MM Yummy...
it might not eat it but it can bite it's tail or harm the fish
Neon tetras (HAS TO BE IN A SCHOOL GROUP) or sword tail
A Swordtail is a type of fish that has a sword shape on their tail. Males have them but females don't.
swordfish move by moving their tail side to side in water.
Through its gills.
Swordtail fish are not inherently dangerous to humans. They are peaceful freshwater fish often kept in home aquariums. However, they may exhibit aggressive behavior towards other fish in the tank if overcrowded or if their territory is threatened.
By producing eggs and after expulsion from the Fe mail, the mail squirts his sperm over the eggs like all other egg producing fish.
Your fish is a swordtail, it's a live bearer, grows to around 10cm and comes in many colors only the males have the telltail sword tail. They are popular in the aquarium trade.
They can and often do in great amounts. I keep some in most tanks just because they keep alot of algae in check.
Force created by the tail and tail fin to propel the fish forward and steer the fish;
Yes, a fish needs a tail to swim.