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Q: Sugar molecules are the original source of food for what or any animal that eats plant or other animals?
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What are sugar molecules an original source of food for?

Food source

What is the source of these food molecules?

The source of food molecules varies depending on the specific nutrient. Carbohydrates come from plants like fruits, vegetables, and grains. Proteins are found in both plant sources like legumes and animal sources like meat and eggs. Fats come from sources like oils, nuts, and animal products.

What animals is source of medicine?

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Animals get energy from the food they eat What is the original source of this energy?

The original source of energy for animals is the sun. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants convert sunlight into energy stored in carbohydrates, which animals then consume to obtain energy for their own metabolic processes.

Eating a sweet potato provides energy for human metabolic processes The original source of this energy is the energy?

made available by photosynthesis

Where is the energy source of fossil fuels found?

It comes from sunlight originally, since plants formed the original organic molecules. When dead plants and animals were buried, compressed, and heated, their products (coal, oil, gas) retained the chemical energy stored in their molecules millions of years earlier.

What energy source for animals is produced from photosynthesis?

The main products from photosynthesis for animal diet are carbohydrates.

How will you identify whether a source of pollution is form humans and animals?

DNA testing will tell if it came from an animal.

Are farm animals a renewable source exlain?

Provided farmers and animal breeders are prepared to keep and breed farm animals, then farm animals are a renewable source.Farm animals are animals such as cattle, sheep, amongst other animals.

What does protenis mean?

the plant or animal tissue rich in such molecules, considered as a food source supplying essential amino acids to the body.

What is the original source of energy for all living things?

The original source of energy for all living things is the sun. Plants capture sunlight through photosynthesis to produce energy-rich molecules that are used as fuel by organisms throughout the food chain.

What animals did the Aztecs use for work?

Aztecs didn't have any animals from the big five or six (cow-donkey-horse-sheep-pig-camel) and they worked on man power and they only had one animal but it was useless in everything only that it's a food source which is the turkey The Incas had the llamas but it was used to carry stuff and food source also fur source but wasn't a good transportation animal or war animal