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almost all reptiles hibernate for a few weeks during the winter, except those in tropical areas such as the amazon.

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7mo ago

Some reptiles that hibernate include certain species of turtles, snakes, and lizards. During hibernation, their metabolism slows down, allowing them to conserve energy until temperatures rise. Hibernation is a survival strategy to cope with harsh environmental conditions and food scarcity.

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Q: Reptiles that hibernate
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What species of animals hibernate?


What is kind of animals hibernate?

reptiles, mammals

Is monkey can takes a long sleep in winter?

I think you are trying ask:do monkeys hibernate in winter?The answer is, no, monkeys do not hibernate in winter.Only reptiles hibernate in winter.

How do reptiles regulate their body temperature?

They don't. That is why they hibernate and lay out in the sun.

Do reptiles hibernate?

Some reptiles, like certain species of turtles and snakes, undergo a period of dormancy called brumation during the colder months, which is similar to hibernation. During brumation, their metabolic rate slows down, and they become less active to conserve energy until warmer temperatures return. However, not all reptiles hibernate.

What Sonoran Desert animals hibernate?

Most reptiles and amphibians in the Sonoran Desert hibernate during the coldest months of winter and estivate (summer hibernation) during the hottest summer months. Few, if any, mammals have a need to hibernate as the weather is quite mild in winter.

Is it just hedgehogs and badgers and squirrels that hibernate in Britain?

Of those species only one, the hedgehog, hibernates. Squirrels and badgers often reduce their activity during the winter, but they do not hibernate. Among the British mammals, hedgehogs, dormice and bats are the only ones that truly hibernate. A host of reptiles, amphibians and insects also hibernate.

What do Burmese python do in winter?

Reptiles brumate. They basically hibernate except for exceptionally warm days when they will come out to bask, feed, or drink.

Do amphibians go through brumation?

Brumation is typically reserved for reptiles. Most amphibians are said to hibernate, spending their time resting underwater.

Difference between amphibian and a reptile?

amphibians are capable of slowing there heart rate in the winter to hibernate while reptiles can not and amphibians are warm blooded

How many different animals hibernated in the desert?

Except in really cold deserts, few mammals hibernate or have a need to do so. Most reptiles, snakes, lizards and tortoises, do hibernate but may emerge to sun themselves on warmer winter days.

What animals actually do not hibernate?

Some animals that do not hibernate include certain species of birds, like geese and swans. Other animals, like dolphins and seals, are active year-round and do not hibernate. Additionally, many reptiles, such as snakes and lizards, do not undergo true hibernation but may exhibit periods of inactivity during colder months.