The Ilin bushy-tailed cloud rat (Crateromys plicatilis) is a critically endangered species found only in the Philippines. It is known for its long, bushy tail and dense fur. Due to habitat loss and hunting, their population has drastically declined in recent years.
Rats are omnivores and play the role of consumers in the food chain. They feed on a variety of plants and animals, making them an important part of the ecosystem as both prey and predator. Rats help regulate population levels of insects and small animals they prey on.
Rat poo
Numerous wild animals are found in Colombia. These include weasels, hunting hounds, raccoons, spider monkeys, anacondas, boas, vultures, piranhas, vampire bats, opossums, pumas, jaguars, and many more.
joe royer is awesome
Its because they are ugly
i believe its the drone fly Family: Syrphidae genus: eristalis species: tenax
Daniel's Tufted-Tailed Rat was created in 2007.
A Predator Prey is what pedators eat. For example: a snake eats a little rat (the snake is the PREDATOR and the rat is the predator or snakes PREY)
Ankarana Special Reserve Tufted-tailed Rat was created in 2009.
The giant white tailed rat, austrian water rat,rat kangeroo
Norway, Roof, Pack & Bushy tailed-wood rat.
its a rat A beaver