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American Lion, European Cave Lion, Barbary Lion, African Lion, Asiatic Lion, Massai Lion & the North-East Congo Lions along with naybe the maneless Tsavo and prehistoric sabre-toothed ones.

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14y ago
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7y ago

Barbary lion - extinct in the wild, only known today from a few zoo specimensAsiatic lion - found in the Gir Forest of India - endangered

West Africa lion

Masai lion

Congo lion

Southwest African lion

Southeast African lion

Transval lion

Ethiopian lion

There are a few others that are not fully accepted by scientists. There are a number of other subspecies that are now extinct.

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2mo ago
  1. Cecil
  2. Elsa
  3. Simba
  4. Aslan
  5. Scar
  6. Shera
  7. Mufasa
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Q: Names of 7 different lions in world?
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How many contenants are thay in the world?

there are 7 contenants in the world

What do female lions do?

Female lions are typically responsible for the majority of the hunting in the pride, working together to bring down prey. They also care for and protect the cubs, often forming strong bonds with other females in the pride to ensure the survival of the young. Additionally, female lions play a crucial role in maintaining the social structure of the pride.

How big are white lions?

White lions are typically around the same size as other lions, with males reaching lengths of 8-10 feet (2.4-3 meters) and weighing between 330-550 pounds (150-250 kg), while females are slightly smaller. Their size can vary depending on factors such as genetics, habitat, and food availability.

When do young lions grow long fur on their tails?

Lion cubs first start to grow their tail tuft at 5 1/2 months of age, and it is fully developed by 7 months.

Have lions lost habitat?

Yes. Lions have lost habitat. Not only Lions but entire animal and plant kingdom is very rapidly loosing their habitat. Thanks to the humanity. (Humanity and cancer has so many similarities. 1) They are growing regardless of nearby structures. 2) They are growing excessively. 3) They consume most of the food in body /earth. 4) They throw waste material around them regardless of consideration of body /earth. 5) They spread all over body /earth. 6) They think of short term gain at the cost of long term profit. 7) They kill the body /earth and then they have no option but to perish.) Lions and Tigers are at the the top of food chain. If they disappear, entire ecosystem will disappear. But the nature has capacity to produce new era of evolution. So you need not bother about Lions.

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Can you get lions instead of dogs on Call of Duty World At War when you get a 7 kill streak?

NO because that would be overkill. And its not in the code.

Sea lion niche?

There are 7 different sea lion species. Sea lions live in all waters crossing America.

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NFL Follow Your Team Lions - 2007 Week 7 Lions at Texans Game Highlights was released on: USA: October 2008

Who did the Detroit Lions beat in their four championships?

1) 1935 - Lions 26, New York Giants 7 2) 1952 - Lions 17, Cleveland Browns 7 3) 1953 - Lions 17, Cleveland Browns 16 4) 1957 - Lions 59, Cleveland Browns 14

How many continents are there in the world and the names?

There are seven continents in the world: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, North America, Australia (Oceania), and South America.

What was the final score of the Packers vs lions October 7 1945?

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How many lions in Daniels lions den?

According to the Bible story, there were reportedly a total of twenty lions in Daniel's den when he was thrown in by King Darius.

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Monsterquest - 2007 Lions in the Backyard 1-7 was released on: USA: 12 December 2007

When do lions start to eat meat?

After they are weaned (6-7 months).