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Q: Is yawning a voluntary or invountary action?
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Can you yawn in your sleep?

No, you cannot yawn in your sleep as yawning is a voluntary action. During sleep, the body is in a state of relaxation where voluntary actions like yawning do not occur.

Is yawning a voluntary or involuntary muscle movement?

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Do you get sleepy when some one yawns?

Yes, it is common for people to feel sleepy or have the urge to yawn when they see or hear someone else yawn. This is known as contagious yawning and it happens due to the activation of mirror neurons in the brain, which mimic another person's action, in this case yawning. Contagious yawning is believed to be related to empathy and social bonding.

Why a man got yawning by seeing a person who yawns?

Yawning is associated with tiredness, stress, overwork, lack of stimulation, or boredom. Yawning can also be a powerful non-verbal message with several possible meanings, depending on the circumstances. In humans, yawning has an infectious quality, i.e. seeing a person yawning, or just thinking of yawning, can trigger yawning which is a typical example of positive feedback. Infectious yawning has also been noted in chimpanzees. The primary reason behind yawning is to control brain temperature. It cools off your brain, much like a fan cools off the inside of a computer. The claim that yawning is caused by lack of oxygen has not been substantiated scientifically. Some claim that yawning is not caused by lack of oxygen, for the reason that yawning allegedly reduces oxygen intake compared to normal respiration. Another speculated reason for yawning is nervousness and is also claimed to help increase the state of alertness of a person-paratroopers have been noted to yawn in the moments before they exit the aircraft.

Can you yawn while asleep?

It is generally not possible to yawn while asleep. Yawning is a reflexive action controlled by the brainstem, so it is typically associated with being awake and alert.

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