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Some of my dogs refuse to eat it and others throw up if they do eat it.

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Q: Is triflex heartworm medicine safe for dogs?
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What medications are safe and effective for treating common health conditions in dogs?

Common medications that are safe and effective for treating health conditions in dogs include antibiotics for infections, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for pain and inflammation, and heartworm preventatives to protect against heartworm disease. It is important to always consult with a veterinarian before giving any medication to your dog.

Is it safe for dogs to have cold medicine?

No, it is not safe to give dogs cold medicine without consulting a veterinarian first. Many cold medicines contain ingredients that can be harmful or toxic to dogs. It is important to always seek professional advice before giving any medication to your pet.

How many dogs die each year because of heartworms?

We are unsure of the exact number because a) many stray dogs die of heartworm disease each year and b) even dogs who have owners die mysteriously at home and the exact cause is never known. The only way to keep your dog safe is to administer a monthly heartworm preventative to your dog. Ask your veterinarian which one he/she recommends, but some common ones are Sentinel, Interceptor, Heartgard, and Advantage Multi. Also, for you cat owners, don't forget about your furry four-legged friend. Cats get heartworm disease too, and because there is currently NO treatment for heartworm disease in cats, it is even more important for them to receive monthly preventative. Ask your veterinarian about using monthly Revolution for your cat. Go to for some interesting statistics on heartworm disease in dogs and cats.

Is human medicine poisonous to dogs?

i think you mean "can you use medicine for dogs" well you can. my mom tried that and my dog did not die or get sick or anything. so it means you can <><><><> Sory, the above is not correct. It will depend on the medicine. There are SOME human meds that are fine for dogs, others are not. People eat chocolate and raisins, but those can kill a dog. Dogs and people are different.

Side effect of heartworm treatment?

There are multiple potential side effects of treating a dog for a heartworm infection - blood clots in the lungs, blood clots throughout the major blood vessels, allergic shock are the biggest concerns. In contrast, giving your dog heartworm preventative (such as HeartGard) has very few side effects and is very safe.

How do dogs get heart worms?

Dogs get heartworms through the bite of an infected mosquito. The mosquito carries the larvae of the heartworm, which then enter the dog's bloodstream and grow into adult worms in the heart and lungs. Regular prevention, such as monthly medication, is important to protect dogs from heartworm infection.

Is Trex Decking safe for dogs?

is trex decking safe for dogs?

Is robitussin chest congestion safe for dogs?

Don't give human medicine to pets without consulting a vet, especially if it's for something like congestion.

Why is a exam for heartworm required annualy if the dog is on heartworm med yearround and is positive for heartworms?

Because if the dog has heartworms and you give a preventive, it can harm or kill the dog. Preventives are not safe for a dog that already has heartworms, except in some circumstances where it was caught very early.

Is it safe to give a 4 mo old German sheperd pup heartworm preventative without having him checked first?

Totally fine!

How do you be safe from drugs?

drugs are safe if we know how to follow the instruction, and know how to read the label.If medicine are properly use we can assure that this medicine are safe to use.

Is the rat trap safe for dogs to be around?

The rat trap is not safe for dogs to be around as it can harm them.