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Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of animals .

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6mo ago

There is no specific patron saint of hamsters in Christian tradition. The concept of patron saints typically relates to specific causes, professions, or locations. While there may not be a patron saint explicitly for hamsters, you can still pray to any saint for the well-being of these beloved pets.

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How many types of hamsters exists?

Syrian Hamsters - Winter White Hamsters - Chinese Hamsters - Campbells Dwarf Hamsters - Roborovski Hamsters So, 5.

What kinds of hamsters don't shed?

Hamsters don't shed.Some good hamsters to own are...-Black Bear Hamsters-Teddy or Fancy Bear Hamsters-Long Hair Hamsters

How maney types of hamsters are there?

a lot there are the bigger hamsters and the dwarf hamsters

Where are Siberian hamsters for sale?

You can purchase Siberian Hamsters from PetSmart. They are also known as Fancy Russian Hamsters or Russian Hamsters.

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Do female hamsters have hamsters?

Yes, she will have baby hamsters, but only if she mates with a male hamster.

Can hamsters eat chocolatte?

Chocolate is toxic to hamsters. NEVER feed chocolate to hamsters!

Can golden hamsters and teddybear hamsters mate?

yes any kinds of hamsters can mate .

Where the heck do hamsters come from?

hamsters come from their mamma hamsters i should know i breed them

Why don't you have any info on hamsters?

Hamsters have many breeds. There is now info on hamsters.

What is the plural possessive for hamster?

The plural possessive form is hamsters'.

More about hamsters?

I have a great site that i always go on for hamsters they treat there hamsters with respect! And i found out so much stuff that i didnt know about hamsters! They talk about so much different kinds from dwarf hamsters to syrain hamsters!!!