There are a variety of frogs that eat snakes. Large bullfrogs have been known to eat snakes at times, as have many of their larger cousins in Africa and South America. More specifically, these are the Argentine Horned Frog and the Goliath frogs.
Organisms that eat frogs include birds, snakes, mammals, fish, and other amphibians. Predators such as herons, raccoons, otters, and certain species of snakes are known to feed on frogs.
A food chain of a grasshopper grass snake frog and hawk looks like the consumers are at the top which are snake and hawk. The snake and the hawk eat the grass the grasshoppers the frog. The grasshopper eats the grass, the frog eats the grasshopper, the snake eats the frog, the hawk eats the snake. That's how the grasshopper snake grass frog and hawk food chain web works.
Some common snakes found in deserts include the sidewinder, diamondback rattlesnake, and gopher snake. These snakes have adapted to the harsh conditions of desert environments and play important roles in the ecosystem.
Some snakes will eat other snakes, but it is not common behavior. Snakes typically eat a diet of rodents, birds, insects, and other small animals.
Mountain chicken frogs are carnivorous and primarily eat small invertebrates such as insects, worms, snails, and even small rodents. They are ambush predators and typically hunt at night by waiting for prey to come near before striking.
fungus and snakes
Snakes and Birds
Snakes and Hawks
Not usually, either big frog eats little snake or big snake eats little frog. Not recommended.
Organisms that eat frogs include birds, snakes, mammals, fish, and other amphibians. Predators such as herons, raccoons, otters, and certain species of snakes are known to feed on frogs.
snakes, fish, eagles and other large animals
Birds eat Tree frogs as well as some larger snakes and mostly larger animals.
plant leaves
a bigger frog (:
The narrow-headed frog of Madagascar is declining due to loss of its habitat. Unlike the Mantella frog (poison) and Tomato frog (untasty), they do not seem to have any strong protection, but fortunately also few predators. These are lizards, snakes, and some birds.
The snapping turtle eats a frog. Then a frog eats a grasshopper. Last the grasshopper eats the grass.
bugs frog than snakes