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'Stingrays' are a suborder of cartilaginous fish containing many families of different species.

Most stingay species are widespread enough that they are not considered threatened species. But some, such as the Blotched Fantail Ray are considered endangered or vulnerable.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

No, it is quite unlikely that the southern stingray will become extinct in the coming years.

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Q: Is the stingray extinct or endangered?
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Why are stingrays endangered?

Some species of stingrays are endangered due to pollution and overfishing. Some species of stingray that are endangered are the Ganges Stingray, Giant Freshwater Stingray, Izu Stingray, and the Marbled Freshwater Stingray.

Are stingrays becoming extinct?

There are five species of stingray that are currently listed with the status of "endangered" , according to the IUCN Red List. There are many other species listed from "data deficient" to "vulnerable". The "endangered" species are the * Ganges Stingray * Marbled Whipray * Mekong Freshwater Stingray * White-Edge Freshwater Stingray * Thorny Freshwater Stingray For more details, please see sites listed below.

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Stingrays are not endangered.

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Endangered and extinct animals are similar because endangered animals sometimes become extinct.

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