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Some bears, but not all bears. But honey is considered a delicious treat to some. :D

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Q: Is it true that bears like to eat honey?
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Do bears eat honeybees?

"No bears don't eat honey bees just the honey :)

Are honey bees related to bears in anyway?

Bears will raid bee colonies to eat their honey.

What do bears eat and type of teeth?

they eat honey with their jaws.

Why do bears eat honey and nuts?

Not all bears do. The ones that do just have those in there enviroment.

Does bears eat animals?

some times they eat animals but they usally eat honey

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Bears do not eat insects but they may eat bees on the process of eating honey.

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Bees eat flowers. Bears do not typically eat bees, but they may eat honey produced by bees which is collected from flowers.

Do black bears eat nuts?

Yes. They also eat berries, honey, and fish.

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black bears eat honey, berries, fruit, and leaves.

What animals eat beehives?

If you mean the wax and honey, there are several animals that do, notably the honey badger and bears.

Are teddy bears like a true person?

LOL!!! There's bears that will eat you, but there's no such thing as a teddy bear sorry to let you down.

Do bears eat honey?

No, they eat berries, grass, fish, and many different types of plant life.