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Yes, it is true

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Q: Is it true lamarck proposed that all organisms have an innate tendency toward complexity and perfection?
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Which term is described as an organisms tendency to maintain a stable internal environment?

Homeostasis is the term used to describe an organism's tendency to maintain a stable internal environment by regulating its bodily functions.

How does Lamarck explain that organisms have a tendency to adapt and improve yet throughout the world the lowest forms of life still exist?

Obviously he was wrong. Organisms evolve, Evolution is not progressive, does not plan for the future and is not linear. The average tendency is for organisms to become more complex, but someone forgot to tell barnacles and tape worms, among others, as they have got less complex. Evolution is only change over time and Lamarck was wrong about ' improvements. '

What topic did jean baptiste lamarck study?

Lamarck was a French naturalist who wrote an Evolutionary Theory which assumed simple microscopic organisms arise spontaneously from non living matter. He further supposed that these forms had an innate tendency to gradually evolve further other time into organisms with an even greater complexity. under this theory traits could therfore arise become more developed through an organ system. Traits could also be lessened or lost.

What is an antonym for the word tendency?

The antonym for the word "tendency" is "disinclination."

What do sailboats have have a tendency to do?

Sailboats have the tendency to Capsize and Swamp.

Advantages of measures of central tendency?

Benefits of Central Tendency

What do small sailboats have a tendency to do?

Sailboats have the tendency to Capsize and Swamp.

How do weak hydrogen bonds between water have an effect on organisms?

A combination of adhesive and cohesive forces accounts for capillary action, which is the tendency of water to move through narrow tube's, and even against gravity.

What types of pesticides reduce bioaccumulation?

Pesticides that are easily broken down in the environment, have low persistence, volatility, and tendency to accumulate in living organisms are less likely to contribute to bioaccumulation. Examples include microbial pesticides, botanical pesticides, and certain biopesticides that have specific target organisms and low environmental persistence.

What are the merits and demerits of the measures of central tendency?

easures of central tendency

What does the word central tendency mean in math?

"Central tendency" is a phrase comprising TWO words, it is not a word. Central tendency refers to the tendency of some data sets to collect around their middle value.

What is orthogenetic principle?

The orthogenetic principle is an evolutionary hypothesis suggesting that organisms have an innate tendency for evolutionary change to occur in a specific direction. It proposes that evolution is guided by an internal driving force rather than solely by external factors like natural selection. However, this principle is not widely accepted in modern biology due to the lack of empirical evidence supporting it.