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From what I hear, It is possible to lead a cow up the stairs. But you cannot lead them down!

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Q: Is it possible to lead a cow downstairs after leading up?
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Is it possible to lead a cow upstairs and downstairs?

It is typically difficult to lead a cow upstairs and downstairs due to their size, weight, and lack of ability to navigate stairs. Cows are better suited for flat terrain and are not naturally built to climb stairs.

Can cow walk up stairs?

yes they can, but they cannot walk down them.

Can a cow walk downstairs?

Not if it's too steep and the steps too narrow for them to go down.

Why can lead a cow upstairs but not downstairs?

Because their legs are not as flexible nor strong enough to hold their weight when going downstairs. This is because their center of gravity shifts towards their front, making it very difficult for their back legs to move down one step at a time without them going head over heels down the stairs.

How does a dominant male cow know where to lead the herd?

Often it's not the bull that's responsible for leading the herd, just like in wild horses. The strongest, largest and/or oldest cow is the one responsible to lead the herd from one place to another. It's not really known how an animal knows when and where to lead the herd from one spot to another; possibly some sixth sense, body language from others, or even telepathy could be some possible reasons as to how a lead cow knows when and where to lead her herd. Observations also count as well, as she has to see and smell where the best watering hole or the best grazing areas are for her herd.

What could you call the cow in charge?

The Boss Cow, Lead Cow, or Top Cow.

What does the idiom lead by the nose mean?

It means just what it sounds like it means -- someone is leading you around and you're doing just what they want, exactly as if they had you by the nose. The image is of holding an animal like a horse or cow by their nose and leading them.

How do you highjack a cow?

Not possible.

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cow heard

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What Animal can not go down steps?

You can pull an elephant upstairs, bud it won't know how to come down by itself.