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No, not in direct reference to a mature female bovine. In the colloquial sense, yes, but really, if doesn't have a vulva then it's either a bull or a steer.

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Q: Is it possible for a cow to NOT have a vulva?
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What is the vulva on a cow?

A cow's vulva is synonymous to a woman's "vagina" or vulva, and is the entry point from the outside where cows conceive to produce offspring, give birth to a calf, and also urinate from. The vulva of a cow is the entry-way to the vagina and the uterus, and is a part of the cows' reproductive system.

Where is the vagina located on the cow?

The vagina on a cow is located beyond the vulva, which is inside the cow. The vulva itself is located under the tail immediately underneath the anus.

Where is the vulva located on a cow?

The vulva on a cow is located under the tail right below the anus. It is a slit of skin with a flap at the bottom and is the main external female genitalia of a cow, offering as the entrance to the cow's vagina.

What color is the vulva of a healthy cow?

It should be pink. It may be more difficult to see this health colour in black cows with black vulvas, except if you look between the lips of the vulva when the cow's in the chute.

Is the cow rectum vagina and urethra all in one?

No. You're thinking of the chicken or any type of bird that has this "feature," not cows. A cow's rectum is above the vulva, and the urethra and vagina is found in the vulva. The urethra is situated in the vagina but branches from the vagina to the kidneys. The entrance to the urethra is found in the first few inches of the cow's vagina.

What does it mean if a clear liquid comes out of a cow's vulva after 12 days of being inseminated?

Nothing, really.

What are the signs if a cow has miscarriaged?

There will be reddish afterbirth hanging from the vulva, and you may see a really small calf on the ground nearby.

What does a cow vulva look like?

It's just a slit below the anus that has a little hair on the bottom part (called the ventral commissure). It does not have two types of labia (vuval folds) like the human female does, but just a single fold that protects the vagina.

How do you highjack a cow?

Not possible.

Is it possible with sperm on the vulva?

Though highly unlikely, ANY unprotected sex can result in pregnancy !

Is it normal for 13 year olds to have labia?

It's not possible for a females vagina to hang out of their vulva. The vagina is the internal part of a females genitals and the vulva is the external part of the females genitals.

Is it possible to make a vinalla cow?
