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White lions typically live in hot and sunny climates in scrubland and savannas, such as in the Timbavati region in South Africa. They are adapted to withstand high temperatures and are often found lounging in the shade to keep cool during the hottest parts of the day.

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Q: Is it hot where white lions live or cold?
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Do lions live in cold places or hot places?

Lions don't live in water because they simply cannot swim. they don't have gills or fins. Edit-- I think what they mean is in swamp-y places. Which lions do! There are lions that live all across Africa that live in places with a lot of water. They tend to have (very) slightly fluffier fur than those that live away from deltas, etc. There's a documentary called "Swamp Cats" that airs on Animal Planet sometimes that's about these water lions. As for cold climate, lions did used to live in Europe. I forget where exactly this European breed /was/ but they're long gone now. Why they don't live in other cold climates is because more suitable big cats do instead. Like the snow leopard, tiger, puma, etc. yes lions can swim they just keep their heads up to breathe and don't go under

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It depends how hot or cold and how long they have been in that condition.

Why do lions like where they live?

because it is hot

How hot where lions live?

about 100 degrees

Do lions like hot or cold?

they like to be hot and hariry they love seeing the pups on others :)

Why doesn't a lion live in the cold weather?

As lions live in only two countries in the world Africa and India. And both these countries are very hot , and in summer it gets even much hotter, so a lion will not like the cold.

What kind of areas do lions live in?

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