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It is correct when addressing an animal with that name.

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Q: Is it correct to say deers?
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Is deers spelled correct?

Is deers spelled correct? NoIs deer's spelled correct? yesAre dears spelled correct? Yes

What is the past tense for digestion?

It has no past tense. It is like the word DEER, it's past tense is not DEERS. I had DIGESTION. correct I think i have DIGESTION. correct

Is deers correct?

Not usually. Deer is both singular (one) and plural (many). As is moose.Deers can be used as a plural form of the word deer. If there are several types of deers in the same area than you can use the plural, deers. For example, If there is a field full of mule deer then you use deer, but if there are a mix of mule deer and white tail deer, you would use deers.

What would deers do?

deer are deers and jump around like deers

What is a deers job in a forest?

Deers do not have jobs

What are fallow deers?

Fallow deers are a type of deer and the are herbivores.

Do deers have a pyhlum?

Yes, deers have a phylum. They are in the phylum chordata

What is the sound produced by Deers called?


Do cheetahs eat deers?

yes cheetahs do eat deers

Why do deers lick other deers?

They want to clean themselves.

Are Deers coldblooded?

No, deers aren't cold blooded because they are mammals and not reptiles.

Do deers talk?

No. Animals but parrots talk. Deers talk in their own language.