No, as it is not a word that describes a verb. Instead it is a verb as dozing is a 'doing' word.
There is no adverb form of the adjective elephantine.
The adverb of disgust is disgustingly.An example sentence is: "he disgustingly ate the rotten frog".
There is no adverb form of the word puppies.This is because the word puppies is a noun.
No, it is not an adverb. The word wagged is a past tense verb.
Sheep primarily sleep lying down, although they are capable of dozing while standing. They feel most comfortable and get their deepest rest when lying down.
Dozing Green was created on 2007-10-24.
Dosing. Present tense: He dozes Present participle: He is dozing The gerund is also dozing: "Dozing is a lazy way to spend an afternoon. " So: "She is dozing, although I believe dozing to be a lazy way to spend an afternoon," contains both the present participle and the gerund form of the verb 'to doze'.
Dozing off means your body going into sleep or rest mode.
After a long day of work, she found herself dozing off on the couch.
there isn't a difference they both mean the same
dozing, napping
slumbering, napping, dozing
falling asleep
Hes is listening or dozing
The correct spelling is "narcolepsy" (uncontrolled dozing off).
Fish do not sleep in the same way as us but they do not actively eat when they are "dozing".
Lane changers. Lack of attention, dozing off.