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Yes, Paramecium is heterotrophic.

It has no chlorophyll or other means of synthesizing organic matter, such as glucose, from inorganic compounds like carbon dioxide and water. So it cannot be autotrophic.

It must obtain organic compounds from other organisms, and is therefore heterotrophic.

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2mo ago

Yes, a paramecium is heterotrophic, meaning it obtains its energy by consuming organic matter from its environment. It feeds on bacteria, algae, and other small organisms through a process called phagocytosis.

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Q: Is a paramecium heterotrophic
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Is paramecium heterotrophic or autotrophic?


List two heterotrophic protists that move?

Amoeba and Paramecium are examples of heterotrophic protists that are capable of movement. Amoebas move by extending their pseudopods, while Paramecium move using cilia.

Are paramecium hetorotroph or autotroph?

A paramecium is a heterotroph because it does not perform photosynthesis to make it's own sugar using energy from the sun.

Is paramecium autotrophic?

No, paramecium is not autotrophic. It is a type of protozoa that feeds on bacteria, algae, and other small organisms by consuming them as food.

Is paramecium heterotrophic?

Yes. Paramecium do not preform photosynthesis, which would make them autotrophic, so they must ingest their food for energy. Bacteria, for instance.

Why are Paramecia heterotrophic?

Paramecium can not make their own food as autotrophs can so they are " other eaters, " heterotrophs. I think they basically consume bacteria.

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Is protista autotrophic or heterotrophic?

Protista, with its peculiar nature, has varieties of ways to gain nutrition. Some like algae and planktons are autotrophic, while animal-like protists such as paramecium and stentor are heterotrophic. Still others are classified as being mixotrophic, which means that they are both capable of obtaining food from others and from inorganic sources.

Is it autotrophic or heterotrophic?

Protista, with its peculiar nature, has varieties of ways to gain nutrition. Some like algae and planktons are autotrophic, while animal-like protists such as paramecium and stentor are heterotrophic. Still others are classified as being mixotrophic, which means that they are both capable of obtaining food from others and from inorganic sources.

Is a paramecium a animal like protist?

Simply because it eats other organisms using a simple digestive system. And also Animal-like protist's move by cilia, Flagelum. All Protozoa including Paramecium are included in Animal like Protista , because 1 they ingest food and then digest it , 2 they show locomotion , , 3 they are heterotrophic .

What is the scientific name for paramecium?

The scientific name for paramecium is Paramecium spp.

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