

Best Answer

Only to the superstitious.

Double-yolk eggs occur when ovulation occurs too rapidly, or when one yolk becomes joined with another yolk. These eggs may be the result of a young hen's productive cycle not yet being harmonized. BUT yes people do say Its Good Luck or you may get a twin if someone is pregnant. :)

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Q: Is a double yolk in an egg good luck?
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Related questions

Which bird egg has two yolks?

Many birds can lay a double yolk egg. Chickens,ducks and turkeys all will occasionally lay a double yolk egg. Double yolk eggs will not hatch.

How rare is it to find a double egg yolk in a single egg?

Finding a double egg yolk in a single egg is quite rare, occurring in about 1 in every 1,000 eggs.

What are the chances of finding a double yolk egg when cracking open an egg from a carton?

The chances of finding a double yolk egg when cracking open an egg from a carton are about 1 in every 1000 eggs.

If you crack an egg with a black yolk and slightly watery yellow egg whites what does that mean?

It means whoever cracked the egg has good luck , I think

How many Calories in one egg with double yolk's?

One large egg with a double yolk typically contains around 90 calories. The majority of these calories come from the yolk, which is where the fat and most of the nutrients are found.

Is egg yolk good for your brain?

no it eats it

How rare is it to find a double yolk egg?

Double yolk eggs are relatively rare, occurring in about 1 in every 1000 eggs laid by hens.

What are the chances of finding double yolk eggs in a carton of eggs?

The chances of finding a double yolk egg in a carton of eggs are about 1 in every 1000 eggs.

What is the middle part of an egg?

the yolk! yolk

Is the yolk inside the egg or outside?

no, the egg yolk is just the yolk. and the egg white is just the white

Eggs good for you?

Yes egg is good for you but the yolk is more healthy

Which is fatier the egg yolk or white?

the egg yolk