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Yes, he is very much alive.

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Q: Is Sparta the cat alive
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Related questions

Where is Sparta the cat?

Check Sparta's or his owners YouTube page.

What type of cat is the mean kitty?

An Egyptian Mau. IF by "mean kitty", you mean the famous Sparta. smpfilms on YouTube has a video about Sparta and where he came from.

Is little Sparta still with us as at April 11 2012?

If Sparta's your cat, deal with it. He's dead. That happens to everybody, just buy a new cat dude!

Is Sparta the mean kitty still alive as of Feb. 18 2011?


Who was Sparta king?

Sparta's king during the time around the Persian's second invasion of Greece was Leonidas. He was alive from about 540 BC to 480 BC.

What is the loudest cat?

simies....they chat alot,really or sparta...he screams for food

Do cats have nine lives a myth?

it is just a myth. unless you happen to know someone who's cat was dead and came back to resume with his/her 8 lives. Yep. Unfortunately it is true... however it seems like they do cause they are so nimble and always seem to avoid injury. Cats are very intelligent and somehow always manage to land on their feet when they jump off of something. But once a cat has died, it's dead.

What do you do if your cat is hit by a car?

if the cat is alive take it to the vet. and if not there is nothing you can do but bury the cat

Is Sparta from the mean kitty videos still alive?

Sparta is alive but he has leukemia

What Are cat born alive?

Yes they are mammals

Is Garfield the cat still alive?


What is the largest wild living cat?

The largest wild cat alive today is the tiger.