

Best Answer

Most Inuits get their dogs from breeders, or buy a female and breed it themselves to save money

This is a totally bogus answer written by someone who knows NOTHING about Inuit, the north or their dogs!

First of all, there is NO SUCH WORD AS "INUITS"! The word "Inuit" is already plural. "Inuk" is singular.

Inuit have had Inuit Dogs for thousands of years. The breed, although in low numbers, exists in many communities of the circumpolar north as part of traditional working dog teams. Team owners are willing to share their dogs genetic material with other serious dog team owners.

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Inuit traditionally acquired dogs by breeding them within their communities or through trade with other tribes. They selectively bred their dogs for traits that were well-suited for pulling sleds and assisting with hunting and travel in the Arctic environment. Today, some Inuit communities continue to use dog teams for transportation and work.

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Q: Inuits used dogs sleds for transportation but how did they get the dogs?
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What are the uses of sled dogs?

Sled dogs are primarily used for transportation in regions with snowy and icy conditions. They are commonly employed in activities such as dog sledding, racing, and expeditions in polar regions. Sled dogs are also used for recreational purposes and as working dogs for tasks like search and rescue operations.

What are 10 ways dogs help people?

1) Keep Company: Dogs are well-known for being "man's best friend".2) Hunting: Dogs have helped humans hunt for thousands of years.3) Guiding Blind People: Many dogs are trained to help blind persons do everyday activities such as crossing a street.4) Tracking Missing Persons: Policemen use dogs to find a missing person by their scent.5) Detecting Drugs: Dogs are commonly used at airports to locate otherwise unnoticeable drugs.6) Pulling Sleds: Dogs, specially huskies, are used to pull sleds in competitions.7) Protection: Many dogs guard the houses of their masters.8) Motivate us to Exercise: Many people have daily 30-minute walks thanks to their dogs.9) Therapy: Dogs are very useful in therapies involving animals.10) Fun: Dogs are well-known for playing with kids.

What jobs did animals do in world war 2?

In World War II, animals were used in various roles such as messengers, scouts, guards, and even for transportation. Dogs were commonly used for sentry duty and to carry messages, while horses were used for transportation of soldiers and supplies. Pigeons were also utilized for delivering messages in war zones.

What signaled the end of the use of the dog team as a mode of transportation in the 1929's?

The end of the use of dog teams as a mode of transportation in the 1920s was mainly due to technological advancements, such as the widespread adoption of snowmobiles and airplanes in the Arctic regions. These new modes of transportation were faster and more efficient than dog teams, leading to their decline in use. Additionally, changes in lifestyle and the transition to more settled communities also played a role in the decreasing need for dog teams.

Did the lenape Indians have horses?

The Lenape Indians used dogs as pack animals and they used snowshoes and sleds to travel during the winter. They use dugout canoes they had made for water travel. North America did not have hoses until they were brought here by Europeans.

Related questions

Did the Inuits use snowshoes?

yes they did and they used them on land along with dog sleds

How do Inuits travel?

the Inuits used to travel by sleds pulling these sleds where dogs they also traveled by foot which was also very very hard as they had to walk through the ice and also through the cold frezzing snow

What do Inuits call their hunting boats?

The Kayak was invented by the Inuits. They used the Kayak for hunting and transportation.

What did the poor in Egypt use for transportation back then?

they used sleds

What is the main purpose of mushing in Alaska today?

In the old days, dog sleds were one of the only means of transportation. Today, dog sledding is more of a sport (though it always has been) and dogs are used in races. However, there aren't many roads in some towns of Alaska so dog sleds are used as everyday transportation. The main reason is so that the dogs know their way around even when they aren't racing. It's excellent practice for upcoming competitions!

What are the animals used in Antarctica for transporting?

Husky packs towing sleds/sledges are mainly used for transportation around Antarctica.

What did the Algonquins use for transportation?

In the Winter they use sleds, snowshoes, and more.The Spring time they walked by foot and used birch bark canoes. Summer same things as Spring.Then they had fall they used same things.wowwhat did the algonquins use for transportation

How did the Mohawk Indians get around like transportation?

The Mohawks used canoes made of elm bark or hollowed-out logs. In the winter they used snowshoes and sleds.

What did the caddo transportation with?

They used dogs.

How is a vehicle defined?

A vehicle is any locomotive machine designed and built for transportation. Vehicles can be human-powered such as bicycles, hand trucks, pallet jacks, sleds, and skateboards. In the past, vehicles used the muscles of strong animals such as horses, oxen, and dogs. Examples of animal-powered vehicles include horse-drawn carriages, ox carts, and dog sleds. Or they can be motorized such as automobiles, motorcycles, trains, aircraft, and spacecraft. Boats and ships are vehicles designed for transportation on water. Vehicles can also be installed inside buildings for the purpose of vertical transportation such as elevators and escalators or for horizontal transportation such as moving walkways.

What kind of animals do huskies kill?

Huskies are not hunting dogs. They are used, if working, at pulling sleds. Hunting dogs don't kill the animals, only fetch them for the hunter.

What transport do the native Americans use in the olden days?

Used travois (like sleds) pulled by dogs