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1.Fish 2.Amphibians 3.Reptiles 4.Birds 5.Mammals

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6mo ago

The five classes of vertebrates (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals) evolved in the following order: fish appeared first, followed by amphibians, then reptiles, birds, and finally mammals. Each class adapted and diversified to exploit different environments and ecological niches over millions of years.

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Q: In what order did the five classes of vertebrates evolve?
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What are the five classes of vertebrates in terms of structure?

fishes amphibians reptiles birds mammals

What are the 5 classes of vertabrates?

The five classes of vertebrates are mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. These classes are distinguished based on characteristics such as their body coverings, reproduction methods, and habitat preferences.

What are the five classes of arthroda?

There are not five clean cut classes of arthropoda. There are three classes under the subphylum Chelicerata, which are: Pycnogonida, Merostomata, and Arachnida. Then under the subphylum Mandibulata, there are three superclasses: Myriapoda, Crustacea, and Hexapoda. Myriapoda has four classes: Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Pauropoda, and Symphyla. Crustacea have six classes: Ostracoda, Maxillopoda, Remipedia, Cephalocarida, Branchiopoda, and Malacostraca. The Hexapoda superclass has four classes: Collembola, Protura, Diplura, and Insecta.

How do you classify vertebrates?

Vertebrates are classified into five main groups: mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. They are grouped based on common characteristics such as skeletal structure, reproductive methods, and habitat preferences. Each group further consists of various species with unique characteristics and adaptations.

What are the five major classes of phylum?

Idk...All I know is that there are two domains prokary and eukary. Those domains consists of seven levels of classification which are : Kingdom,Phylum, Class, Order,Family, Genus, Species. which phylum to be exact?

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The vertebrates are further divided into five groups or classes?

The vertebrates are further divided into five groups or classes.

What are the five classes of vertebrates in terms of structure?

fishes amphibians reptiles birds mammals

How can you split vertebrates?

Vertebrates can be classified into mammals, aves(birds), reptiles, amphibians and pisces(fishes).

In respiration where do the five classes of vertebrates get each reactant from and how do they absorb it into their lungs?

Glucose is taken from food.Oxygen is taken through air

What is the cnidaria's classes order family species genus of platyhelminthes?

There are five classes of cnidaria

The five groups of vartebrates are?

Vertebrates can be classified into five groups, based on their skin covering, how they reproduce, how they maintain body temperature, and characteristics of their limbs (arms and legs, or their equivalent such as wings or fins). The 5 classes of vertebrates are as follows: # Fish # Amphibians # Reptiles # Birds # Mammals

How many classes of vertebrate exist?

There are seven classes of vertebrates.The five main classes of vertebrates are:Mammals (Mammalia)Birds (Aves)Reptiles (Reptilia)Amphibians (Amphibia)Fish - which in turn are subdivided into Agnatha (jawless fish without scales, e.g. lampreys and hagfish); Chondrichthyes (sharks and rays, which have skeletons of cartilage rather than bone); and Osteichthyes (all the bony fish e.g. tuna, trout, whiting, etc.)

What are the eight classes of vertebrates?

The eight classes of vertebrates are Agnatha (jawless fish), Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish), Osteichthyes (bony fish), Amphibia (amphibians), Reptilia (reptiles), Aves (birds), Mammalia (mammals), and Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish).

Five groups of Vertebrates?


Do all living vertebrates have five digits?

No, most living vertebrates have different numbers of digits, anywhere from none to five, and sometimes even six.

Is a mosquito an amphibian?

No. The classes of animals, such as reptiles, mammals, and the subject amphibian, only apply to vertebrates. Mosquitoes are classified as invertebrates, as such are most insects, and do not fall under any of the five main animal groups.

Is a a mosquito a amphibian?

No. The classes of animals, such as reptiles, mammals, and the subject amphibian, only apply to vertebrates. Mosquitoes are classified as invertebrates, as such are most insects, and do not fall under any of the five main animal groups.