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i had this problem too! i brought 2 big ones a few years ago and decided i wanted two other ones. what i did was put the 2 older ones on the grass and put the baby ones in a upside down washing basket. i put the baby ones under the washing basket so they could run around a bit and stick there noses through the holes. They were itching to get out so i let them and watched them how they go on. they are now like a little family and get on well. however it depends if you are lucky or not!!!

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1w ago

In this situation, it is important to monitor the interactions between the two guinea pigs to ensure they are getting along well. If the older guinea pig is not showing aggression towards the baby and they are coexisting peacefully, it may not be necessary to intervene. However, if there are signs of stress or aggression, it may be best to seek advice from a veterinarian or animal behavior specialist for guidance on how to facilitate a positive relationship between the two.

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Q: If you have two guinea pigs and one is a brand new baby and the other is one and a half years old. The baby thinks the older one is her mom but the older one doesn't really understand what do you do?
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