in desperation i built a garden on top o patio frame 3m above the ground and the bloody turkeys still got up there no problem. i have seen them fly up to a branch 12m off the ground with consummate ease. while they don't fly often - I've seen them fly 3 times - they are in fact very good at it. john
Brush Turkeys are not strong fliers and rarely fly more than a few meters off the ground. They are primarily ground-dwelling birds and use their wings for short bursts of flight to move between trees or escape predators. Their flight is limited and not designed for long-distance travel or high altitudes.
Turkeys are capable of flying short distances, while chickens are not strong fliers and can only flutter or glide short distances. Both domestic turkeys and chickens have been bred for meat production, which has reduced their ability to fly compared to their wild counterparts.
45000 feet.
First, use the curry comb in a circular motion to loosen dirt and hair. Next, use the dandy brush to flick away the loosened dirt and debris. Finally, finish by using the soft brush to smooth the horse's coat and give it a polished look.
The buffalo fly trap was invented in the late 19th century by Frank and Charles Rounds in North America. Buffaloes would rub against the trap to brush off flies, triggering its action to catch and kill the flies.
No, the brush turkey, also known as a bush turkey or scrub turkey, is a bird.
Turkey can fly. My aunt actually had her windshield shattered by a flying turkey
If I am correct, Turkey's can't fly if turkeys could fly what would we eat for Thanksgiving and Christmas?????? lol
Alectura lathami
The brush turkey eats seeds and fruits that it finds on the ground. This species of turkey also eats insects.
Turkey vultures look like a turkey, while mountain lions don't.
They can fly!
yeah buddy
You would clip the feathers on the wings of a turkey so that they can't fly. This would disable the turkey's ability to lift itself with its wings.
55 mph