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Cats are clean and graceful animals requiring very little maintenance. They instinctively clean themselves and do their "business" in dirt or cat litter before covering it up with their paws.

It's a shame they get such bad publicity in the media as being these mean things that will claw your eyes out. That won't happen unless you corner a cat and/or it's afraid for it's life.

They are definitely related to Tigers, Panthers, Lions, Cheetahs, etc...

Each cat has their own personality, but most cats are very independent and can be very stubborn. (i.e. it's hard to train a cat to make it do what you want, like sit or roll over) They can also have a short temper, but will usually warn you before you really make them mad. (For example. mine will gently bite me without any jaw pressure as a warning that I'm doing something she doesn't like)

After forming a bond of trust with the cat, they have nothing but love for an owner that treats them right. Cats are great at cuddling in bed, but If cuddling isn't your thing they will learn to give you your space and sleep at the foot of the bed or on a chair.

Cats are very playful. They instinctively enjoy running around and catching things that move. (Mine loves feathered things, but other cats enjoy strings or furry mice toys more)

Cats also will genuinely care about an owner they love. For example, if you leave the house/apartment they will worry that you left them, or if you or a loved one is crying they will often try to comfort you. It should also be noted that petting a cat is scientifically proven to lower blood pressure and stress. So go ahead, pet them all you want! They will love it, and you will too. Just don't pet their fur backwards! Also, most cats don't like their hind feet touched, and their stomach only when they trust you enough. They do, however, love their cheeks to be rubbed.

Cats DO have claws, so be careful! They use them for traction for running or climbing up things, catching prey, and for defending themselves against other animals. Sometimes during play they will get a little silly and claw you by accident, so give them some distance when you see them in play mode. While some people prefer to declaw their cat, I think it's fundamentally wrong. It would be like removing our thumbs. Cats instinctively need to scratch things, so their claws don't get too long. So, train your cat to scratch on only things that you approve of. (There are many cat scratching devices on the market to feed their urge to scratch)

Cats also LOVE food. Since their primary function in nature is to hunt small rodents and birds, they instinctively love most meats. Most cats will know when to stop eating, but some may have eating disorders just like people. There's a saying "the fastest way to a animals heart is through their stomach" and this can be true with cats as well. There are many variates of food, such as dry food in a bag, wet food in a can, and various other cat treats. Cats require certain vitamins/minerals that are only contained in food intended for cats, so don't feed them "human" food too often. It should also be noted that dog food does not contain things like taurine which cats require. Cats can be very picky with food, and will often not enjoy the same food twice in the same day, or even the same week! So, be sure to buy a variety of flavors and/or brands.

Adult cats enjoy sleeping a lot. And I mean a LOT! (13-16 hours per day) This is where the term "cat nap" comes from. They sleep in many different positions and places, often looking very cute or human-like! (My cat sometimes sleeps with her head on my pillow)

If you are thinking of owning a cat, I recommend getting them while they're young so you can form an early bond with them. Kittens however, have an enormous amount of energy and are infinitely curious. They require a lot of TLC (tender loving care) and a lot of attention. They grow up fast, but If you treat it properly it will grow up into a beautiful cat who will love you for all eternity.

Well I think that about covers it. In conclusion, cats are wonderful animals but not for everyone. There are cat haters out there, but I really don't understand why. I think everyone should give cats a chance, they really are wonderful animals!

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15y ago

Cats have the exact same inscrutable look on their face whether they see a moth or an axe-murderer.

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Cats have a great deal of curiosity.

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Clever, affectionate, independent, smart, furry, loving, caring, soft, sweet.

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6mo ago

Cats are independent, curious animals known for their agility, grace, and playful behavior. They are also known for their grooming habits and sense of precision in everything they do.

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adorable, awesome

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