Tigers grow fast and reach maturity at 3 years. A year old tiger weighs about 300 pounds. They weigh half a pound at birth.
The oldest white tiger in the world was named "Mohan" and he lived to be around 20 years old. Additionally, proper care, diet, and living conditions can contribute to a white tiger's longevity.
The oldest recorded tiger lived to be 25 years old. She was a female Siberian tiger named Elena, who lived in the Calgary Zoo in Alberta, Canada. Elena passed away in 2019.
average height
The Lion's name is Solomon. Spar is the 17 year old Bengal Tiger.
White tigers have a similar lifespan to other tiger subspecies, typically living 10-15 years in the wild and up to 20 years in captivity. However, some white tigers have been known to live into their mid-20s with proper care and good health.
The oldest white tiger in the world was named "Mohan" and he lived to be around 20 years old. Additionally, proper care, diet, and living conditions can contribute to a white tiger's longevity.
They are one of the most rarest tiger's you will ever see and their coats are VERY fine and they are to die for,You will hardly ever see a tiger that is White. This was answered by an 11 year old. Hope this helped. :D <3
It is way too tall for a 11 year old
A fifty year old is about 9foot
Seven-year-old white male.
White bengal tiger cubs stay with their parents until they are approximately 2 to 3 years old. The parents protect and feed them until they are old enough to fend for themselves.
My almost 3.5 year old boy is 41 inches tall and 37 pounds
Sophie white is a 11 year old
The myth is you can double the height of a two year old and that's how tall they will be.
That is tall for a five year old, because the tallest five year old I know was around 4 foot, and his family was TALL. So, yes, four foot is above average.
Yeah that's tall for a 11 year old im 62 inches and im tall for my age but im 12
in my class there were 2 tall tall boys and 8 tall girls but every class/person is different