You can make a joke with moo plop moo with a few different endings. You can say moo plop moo is a cow.
I think this comes from an old joke asking for three fish that start and end with 'K'. The answer that is usually given is:- 1. Killer SharK 2. Kentucky Fried haddocK3. KilmarnocK When the victim of the joke questions the last answer with 'Kilmarnock? - That's not a fish!' The perpetrator says: 'oh yes it is..... it's a place (plaice) in Scotland.' Don't blame me for the groan, I didn't invent the joke :-)
is empty the world should end with ant
the question was: What do you call more than 1 sloth? The Answer Is: Sloths Hint: Just add a s at the end! Thank-you! Peace! Love! Shine!
if you are starting a new sentence, yes you should. if you are using the word in the middle or at the end of the sentence, you shouldn't capitalize it.
Your joke should end as below: what do you call a frozen tree? Trouser.
The big dipper.
What do you call a frozen pillow? A pain in the neck.
This is a joke about what do you call a pig that does karate? Yes, its name is Pork Chop!
Your joke should end like this: what is a frozen bee? beep
Your joke should end as follows: how do you catch a bee? by smoking it.
Your joke should end like this: What is a frozen parrot? copycat.
A joke that is "When is water like a baby" should end as birth.
The joke should end as below: did you hear about the goat in the zoo: No!
Your joke should end like this: Did you hear about the newborn bee. buuz
Your joke should end as follows: Why did the top go to the doctor? Because he is the doctor.
Your joke regarding a frozen lion should end with a fiery hyena to illustrate controversy.