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230 years about. agreed but he can never die because of the healing factor.

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13y ago

Tigers can live twenty years or more, but few live that long in the wild. Around twelve to fifteen is possible though.

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11y ago

According to National Geographic in the wild they live up to 7 to 12 years

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Q: How old do tigers get in the wild?
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How old can tigers stay alive for?

12 to 15 years in the wild 20 in captivity

Do king vultures eat tigers?

In the wild it is not very likely as king vultures are native to the new world and tigers are native to the old world.

When was Wild Tigers I Have Known created?

Wild Tigers I Have Known was created in 2006.

What is the duration of Wild Tigers I Have Known?

The duration of Wild Tigers I Have Known is 1.63 hours.

Is there more tigers in captivity or in the wild?

there are more tigers living in captivity than in the wild

How do people help tigers?

People can help tigers by ensuring that there is less poaching. Orphaned tigers can be migrated and given proper care until they are old enough to be released into the wild once more.

Why are tigers too dangerous to be kept as pets?

No, not at all. Tigers are wild animals and they belong in the wild.

To what age do wild tigers live?

Tigers in the wild can live up to an age of 25 years.

How old do white tigers live for?

In wild 13-15 years, but in captivaty up to 20 years

How old can Bengal tigers live to be?

wild - 10-15 years zoos - up to 26 years

Half of the world's wild tigers live in what country?

Wild tigers are found mostly in India

Is it better for tigers to be in the wild or in captivity?

its better for them to be in the wild