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Most bitches come into estrus twice a year usually fall to early winter, and again sprin to early summer is the most commonly seen.

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Female dogs come into heat, or season, about every six months, although this can vary depending on the breed and individual dog. Larger breeds tend to have longer intervals between seasons.

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Continue Learning about Zoology

How do you say in afrikaans a female wolf is pregnant for 2 months?

English: A female wolf is pregnant for two months. Afrikaans: 'n vroulike fet swanger is vir twee maande. All I did was go onto Google translate. (:

How does a millipede reproduce?

Millipedes reproduce sexually, with males depositing sperm onto the ground and females picking it up. The female then fertilizes her eggs internally before laying them in soil or organic matter. Millipedes do not undergo metamorphosis and hatch from eggs as miniature versions of adults.

How do turtles mate?

For aquatic turtles, the males will circle the female and in certain species (sliders, cooters, maps and painted turtles), the males will put their front foreclaws by the side of their head and wave it quickly in front of the female's face. If the female accepts, the male mounts her from the behind. Male turtles' penis is kept in the tail and it is inserted in the female's cloaca. If they are successful, they are locked together (he grabs her by the shell)for a few minutes only. They may mate a few times. In land turtles (tortoises), males will often ram the female with its shell (head tucked in). Sometimes males will bite the females on the neck (both aquatic and land turtles). Some male tortoise actually grunt! Once again, they mount from behind using the tail/penis to deliver the semen to the cloaca.

What does it mean when a frog is on a frog?

They are in a pre- stage of mating wich means that the male is holding on to the female. They are not having sex - the male clamps the female so no other males can fertilise her eggs when the female deposits them. Only during this moment - the so-called spawning, the males will deposit their sperm.

Do Angler fish have babies?

Yes, angler fish reproduce by external fertilization. The male angler fish is much smaller than the female and will attach itself to the female by biting onto her. The male eventually fuses with the female, sharing nutrients and providing sperm when she is ready to release eggs.

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No. A female cat will only mate while she is in season. Once a mating is successful and kittens conceived, the female will no longer be in season and will not do so again until the kittens are born and weaned off onto solid foods. This is untrue, a female cat can mate and become pregnant as soon as a week after giving birth to a litter - she will also mate well into her pregnancy

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Why does magma come pouring out onto the earths surface?

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Yes. Tornadoes have formed on oceans and lakes (in whic case they are called waterspouts) and come onto land.

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Males use them to hold onto the female during amplexus.

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