Physical needs are often called tangible needs because they can be seen or touch.It is where the family members need space wherein to put their possesions or any kinds.The question of yours is 'How do families meet physical needs'. There are no answer to your question because families are either our furniture to be comfortable and safe.
36 inches
Need a doggie wheel chair,How much do they cost.
It depends on what type of snake you have.
Lions need a significant amount of space in a zoo for exercise, enrichment, and overall well-being. A minimum of 100 to 200 square meters per lion is recommended, but larger spaces are preferred to mimic their natural habitat and promote their physical and mental health. The space should also include features such as vegetation, hiding spots, water sources, and climbing structures.
60 minutes.
As much as a man's. We're all human.
half a centimeter. To get a physical idea you need to look at a ruler.
yes you will need a physical
Horses need at least 1-2 acres of land to roam freely and maintain their physical and mental well-being.
need to insurance quotes on pertaining to my question of how mmuch is physical liability insurance for a small self-defense gym
you dont need much phsical exercise to play the clainet, you just need to know how to play it.
A physical need includes food, water, clothing, and shelter. Physical needs are those needs that are met through physical objects.
Age, gender, fitness level, level of physical activity are the main contributors.
You just have to graduate high school - they will hire anyone who can pass a physical test.
No, it is not true. Adolescents need as much physical activity as an adult. The human body was meant to move not be immobile. Physical activity for all ages, is good for mental health as well as physical health.
A total of 90 minutes a day.