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im not sure but alot! for a check up for a hamster it cost me neerly £20! go to your local pet shop and ask them to show you how, 9/10 they will have a small pet whos nails need clipping. This wont cost you anything. Or ask a friend to show you who has/had guinea pigs hope this helps ellen.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

The cost of trimming a rabbit's teeth can vary depending on the vet clinic and geographic location. On average, it can range from $50 to $150. It's best to contact your local vet for a specific price quote.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

about £4 to £6.00 pound depends where you come from mainly i would not advise cutting them urself because guinea pigs have a vessel in there nails which if cut wrong could bleed and get infected.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Vets charges for the services that are provided. The cost to get a rabbits teeth clipped can range from $10 at a Humane society to $60+ at a private vet office.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Ours charged $15 extra for nail trimming.

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Q: How much does a vet charge to clip a rabbits teeth?
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Can a rabbit teethe like a human baby?

Baby rabbits do teethe in the sense that when they are infants there is a time when their teeth are growing in; however, there's no evidence that baby rabbits suffer very much from this and no one recommends doing anything about it in terms of pain control, as we often do for human babies. If baby rabbits do suffer at all from teething pains, you can trust the mother rabbit to soothe them. By the time they are weaned, baby rabbits have all their teeth (although the molars can be difficult to see; the four front teeth, however, will be obvious.) rabbits in total get 28 teeth that are constantly growing (and this is one reason why rabbits need so much fibre in their diet, mostly in the form of tons and tons of hay). when you check your rabbits teeth (which you should regularly, otherwise that is animal cruelty because they could over grow) when they are infants you might see little marks in the gum these are teeth coming through. When the rabbits are a little older, make sure the front teeth grow in aligned: if they're misaligned, speak with a vet because serious problems can result.

How can you tell a bunny's age?

Once a rabbit is mature , it's pretty much impossible to tell the exact age . The state of the teeth can give a clue (older rabbits tend to have yellower or browner teeth than young rabbits , who have very white teeth), as can the claws (older rabbits tend to have tougher, scaly claws , whereas younger rabbits have smooth claws) . The fur isn't much help , since even old rabbits don't usually get gray with age .

How much to have a rabbits teeth extracted?

Clipping or filing teeth is a better solution but do not use this rabbit in any breeding program. This is a hereditary trait and a VERY bad one at that. If you extact the teeth the bunny will not be able to eat.

How much does it cost to get a rabbits teeth filed down?

It all depends on what you vet charges. BUT get used to the idea that it will have to be done EVERY month for the rest of the rabbit's life. It gets VERY expensive. The rabbit should be put down because if you don't clip it's teeth it can't eat and will die anyway. Do not use this rabbit in any breeding program even if you decide to go to the expense of clipping your rabbit's teeth. It is a genetic condition.

What foods keep guinea pigs teeth trimmed?

thing like chopped up carrots and stuff keeps my rabbits teeth trimmed so it shouldn't be much different to a guinea pigs. hope i could help :)

is it how much do your rabbits or rabbit's eat in one day?

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How much should you sell your mini rex rabbits for?

It all depends on the quality of the rabbit. Pet quality rabbits can be sold at anywhere from$5 to $15. Show quality rabbits can be sold at anywhere from $15 to $100. Again, it all depends on the quality of the rabbit. Take into consideration any faults. Make sure you know the breed standard. Examine the fur, ears, legs, tail, teeth, head, body, and weight. Never underprice your rabbits, because then you will be cheating yourself. Never overprice your rabbits and try to sell to gullible people who don't know the breed standard. Also, you can charge a few dollars more for pedigreed rabbits you are selling as pets. All show rabbits should be pedigreed anyway.

How much do rabbits cost at petsmart?

i don't think they sell rabbits

Why do jack rabbits have big teeth?

to eat grass

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What does clip size do in Team Fortress 2?

Depends, clip size is ammo. Primary clip is how many times you can shoot before reloading. Some weapons, like the heavy's minigun are entirely primary clip and require no reloading. Secondary clip is how much ammo you have to replace your primary clip. Size is just how much you have.

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As much as you like.