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at least 30 years

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8mo ago

Horses typically live for 25 to 30 years, but some can live into their 40s with proper care and management.

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Q: How many years does a horse usually live?
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How long does a horse usually live?

it depends on the breed, really. most horses live as long as 25-30 years old, but one horse, old billy, lived until 62.

What is the home of a horse called?

Horses can be kept in many places. If a horse is kept indoors, the 'home' is called the stable or a box. The horse can also live in a stall indoors and this is very similar to a stable, but usually is smaller and contains no windows. Stalls are usually only used temporarily. Outdoors, horses live in pastures/fields, normally with other horses as they are herd animals.

How many years does a common hamster live to?

On average, a common hamster usually lives for about 2-3 years in captivity. However, some may live up to 4 years or more with proper care and a suitable environment.

What age do horse live up to?

well, that's a tricky question, it depends on so many things, whether the horse is healthy, what breed, and a whole range of other stuff but generally, a healthy horse will usually live to between 25 and 35, but it varies alot i knew a horse who was put down at 17, and i have a little welsh mountain pony who's still perfectly sound at 39 years i also knew a pony who was still doing pony club at 45 years but the general age i think is around 30, but the horses should retire at around 25 ish, but that's just my thoughts, and of course, it varies with every individual horse :):) hope it helped

How long do wild horses live for?

Wild horses typically live between 15 to 25 years, although some may live longer in certain conditions. Factors that can affect their lifespan include access to food, water, and shelter, as well as threats from predators and harsh environmental conditions.

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How many years do Arabians have to live?

Arabian horses live roughly the same length of time as any other breed of horse which is usually from 15 years old to 35 years old. Some may live beyond or below this range.

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How many years could a horse live up to?

The average lifespan of a horse is usally 25-30 years,if enough and right care is given.

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dogs usually live about 10-15 years depends the size..hope this helps

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== ==

How many years could horses live?

The oldest living horse lived to be 62 years old.Most horses live to be about 30 years old.

How long does a horse usually live?

it depends on the breed, really. most horses live as long as 25-30 years old, but one horse, old billy, lived until 62.

How many pony years in a human year?

Most horses live about 20 years, so I'd guess around 4 horse years to one human year.

How many years do you usually live after?

you can live at leat 90 or more. but you would be old and and be in a facility.have fun being old