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Moses spent 40 years in Midian tending sheep before he received the call from God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.

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Q: How many years did Moses spend in Midian tending sheeps?
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Moses spent 40 years.

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When he went to spend 40 days on mount Sinai.

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Moses never settled during the forty remaining years of his life that followed the exodus. He served as political and military leader of the Children of Israel during their trek from Egypt to the promised land, and died just before they entered it. Not only did he spend the last 40 years of his life traveling, but it's startling to realize that Moses, the great leader of the new Jewish nation, never in his life ever once set foot in the promised land, not before, during, or after the period of bondage in Egypt. Moses was born and raised in Egypt, self-exiled in Midian for forty years, and finally one of the "wandering" multitude in the desert. Only two individuals released in the exodus entered the promised land, and neither of them was Moses.

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What happened after moses and the israelites escaped the egyptians?

They had to spend 40 years of wandering in the wilderness.

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Egypt. They escaped by moses splitting the red sea ( or the black sea I can't remember)

How did the girls spend their full day at farm?

The girls spent their full day at the farm helping with various chores such as feeding animals, collecting eggs, and tending to the garden. They also enjoyed exploring the farm, playing with the animals, and having a picnic lunch outdoors. At the end of the day, they helped with evening chores before settling down for a campfire and stargazing.

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bend end lend fend rend tend mend vend trend blendbend and pend spend pretend lend mend end friend trend blend vend

How many days did it take for Moses to get the Ten Commandments?

Moses was on the Mount Sinai for forty days and nights (Exodus 24:18) when he heard God's laws for the nation of Israel and received the two tablets of stone with the Ten Commandments. After the original tablets were destroyed Moses spent another forty days and nights on the mountain for the second set of tablets to be completed (Ex 34:18).