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well, it is hard to tell because many animals would've existed hundreds of millions of years ago and human kind has not discovered them yet. But other than that there are 11'000 species in the world that has been extinct.

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13y ago
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14y ago

It's difficult to answer this question, because the fossil record does not include all animals that have ever lived, nor do we know which extinctions were actually caused by humans directly.

Some prehistoric species that have become extinct due to human actions are the Dodo, they all lived on one island, and humans used them for lamp oil and new animals like dogs and cats were introduced. We're not sure if the mammoth died because of humans.

Humans were responsible for at least 500 extinctions in recent history.

However it it more than possible that humans have killed over 1000 species over the course of our existence.

Scientist find it quite suspicious that a many large animals (saber toothed cats, mammoths, ground sloths, etc.) went extinct near the time that humans arrived in north and south America.

It also depends on what counts as making an animal go extinct, for instance when humans cut down an entire forest and animals have nowhere to go, and go extinct, the humans didn't directly kill the animals.

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2mo ago

It is difficult to provide an exact number, but scientists estimate that thousands of animal species have become extinct throughout Earth's history due to natural causes, human impact, and environmental changes. Currently, numerous species are at risk of extinction, with the rate of extinction being accelerated by human activities such as habitat destruction, climate change, and poaching.

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11y ago

According to which reporting organization, and their list, you will receive different numbers. These are some numbers from one of the main organizations that research and report on endangered and threatened species.

The Endangered Species List currently shows in the U.S. 612 animal species listed, along with 746 plant species. Out of these 1128 species have approved recovery plans according to the list. Also, 520 of these species have U.S. designated critical habitat.

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14y ago

I don't know about land animals but I do know that 23 fish species have gone extinct in the last 100 years and 17 of those species became extinct in the last 20 years.

To name a few:

The Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger)

Potteroos (not all species, but most)

Yangtze Dolphin

There are TONS more, but I would Google these to find out more.

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13y ago

A lot over 100 species of birds and insects while animals are in fairly low numbers. Dont hold me to this because am almost defienstly wrong.

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14y ago

I have heard that 8 species become extinct daily. That was a few years ago, though.

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16y ago

There are more than two million species of animals.

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14y ago

It is unknown because there is animals/plants that we have never heard of die. You never know one could die right now.

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11y ago

Over 112.5 species go extinct in the rainforest every day.

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