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7mo ago

Fetal pigs do not have teeth developed in the womb. They only start developing teeth after birth.

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Q: How many teeth does a fetal pig have?
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Related questions

Where is the small teeth in the fetal pig be located?

In their mouth!!

Does a fetal pig have teeth?

yes they are just pulled back further into the "lips" of the fetal pig's mouth. they are also quite sharp

How many appendix does the fetal pig have?

a pig has multiple appendixes for use

What is a rostrum of a fetal pig?

the rostrum is the snout of a fetal pig

Why doesn't a fetal pig have erupted teeth?

Fetal pigs have erupted teeths because they are still young and could break easly with out doing a lot of force on them.

What is the function of the epididymis of the fetal pig?

The epididymis in a fetal pig is responsible for producing sperm. It is located on one testicle in the fetal pig.

Do the fetal pig and mother pig share the same blood?

No the fetal pig and the mother pig's blood never mix. This is the same with humans and many other placental mammals such as horses and cows.

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How many liver lobes in the fetal pig?


How long can a fetal pig live?

A fetal pig is an unborn pig used in schools for dissection. Therefore, a fetal pig doesn't have a life span, because they never actually lived.

How long is the esophagus in a fetal pig?

The esophagus of a fetal pig, like many organs and body parts, looks very similar to that of a human. It is a long narrow tube, pinkish in color, with cilia lined in the inside (to help push down the food). Click on the link below for pictures of a fetal pig esophagus:

What part of the fetal pig stores bile and lies underneath the fetal pig?
