yes, tigers are very strong one paw swipe will snap a human backbone, and its neck. In the wild on lion could kill 5 hyenas which are stronger than dogs. This would be and easy win for the tiger
A combination of a tiger and a panda would likely have the body shape and fur pattern of a tiger, but with the black and white coloring of a panda. It could potentially have some characteristics of both animals, such as the panda's round face and the tiger's stripes.
No, the tiger is not considered the king of all beasts. Lions are often referred to as the "king of the jungle" due to their social structure in the wild. Tigers are majestic predators, but they do not hold the same title as lions in popular culture.
Tiger it can swim. It works, but still poor grammar. ' The tiger ; it can swim. ' is more correct. Better alternatives is: ' the tiger can swim '
Waranikala( same for leopard and panther)
same as the Bengal (Or sometimes the siberian tiger) mostly the forests in india and siberia. a white tiger is a color variant of either the bengal or siberian tiger happening once every 15000births
A baby tiger coud kill someone because is the same thing as a adult tiger
No.They are found on different continents.Besides, tigers could kill gorillas.
not likely to happen. Tigers are bigger ans stronger than jaguars, but if male jaguar fights with a tigress, jaguar will probably win because jaguars are the strongest cats compared to their bodies while tigress is slightly bigger, but it has weaker biteforce and is not that muscular as a jaguar
It could, but it does not live in the same part of the world.
yes i could be drinking the same water as a saber tooth layed on
I guess you could kill them the same way you could kill a human. Poison the smurf berries.
narrr they come from the same family anyone who thinks they are is dumb
They are bullies therefore not pitbulls.
Pitbulls, no matter the color, have the average weight of 40 to 65 pounds. Some could be smaller and some could be bigger.
they are not the same in any way tiger woods is just a name
Possibly the sloth bear. The sloth bear has more muscles and the same weight as a bengal tiger, while the bengal tiger is a stronger hunter than a sloth bear. With a couple of swipes from the sloth bear's claws, it could kill a bengal tiger. Sloth bears usually kill tigers for territory and safety kill sun bears.