IF you can extrapolate that across the full year, that would be an average of 35.5 birds killed by each cat/each year. IF you can use that figure for all outdoor cats, you get a calculation of 4.1 billion birds killed each year.
about 39-100
over 1.5billion a year
Jaguars normally kill around 1-3 people every year.
According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), approximately 3.2 million cats are adopted from animal shelters each year in the United States. This number may vary depending on the country and the organization providing the data.
Yes. My Girlfriend has 2 cats both 5 months. They bring her dead birds, dead mice etc.
There are more mice because they can have hundreds of babies a year and cats can have maxium 20, shame though cats are so cute.
over 1 million cats are born a year
IF you can extrapolate that across the full year, that would be an average of 35.5 birds killed by each cat/each year. IF you can use that figure for all outdoor cats, you get a calculation of 4.1 billion birds killed each year.
6 or 10 a year.
Small mammals like mice and shrews can give birth many times in a year.
There are about 300 cats and dogs abused in a year! actually more like 1000's
it kill over 15600 people a year
ONE! you can only be born once a year!
I don't think M and S sell mice pies (not intentionally)!