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It depends on how big the family is, it could be 5,6, or even 20.

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Q: How many lions are there in a herd?
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Who would win a herd of rhinos or a herd of lions?


Were ridgebacks used for rounding up lions?

No, you can't herd (round up) Lions.

Is a group of lions a pride?

It is a pride of lions. Or a herd of cattle.

What is a sentence for lions?

lions often roam alone. lions don't like to roam in herd.

What happened to Bruno the attacking chimp?

He was attacked by a herd of lions in 2007.

What does pride with other lions mean?

"Pride" is the word used for a group of lions, like a herd of cows or a flock of geese.

What is the name for a lion's herd?

A bunch of lions living together are called a pride.

Can you say herd for a group of lions?

No, a group of lions is called a pride. Herds are usually groups of grazing animals such as zebras or antelope.

It's a pride of lions a sloth of bears and a herd of elephants What is it for rhinos?

A group or herd of rhinos is called: A crash

Do lion mate with lions?

Yes after the cubs have grown up and been separated form the herd they may return to the herd in search of a mating partner if if its there own parents

Why else do lions roar if lions roar so enemy will be scared and to make sure everybody in the herd is safe?

Just to scare the enemy and,lions don't go in herds there in packs (like wolf's)

What is a group of sea lions called?

A group of Seals is called a harem.A group of sea lions is called a raft.On land they are a colony, in water they are called a raft.