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How many legs (on) a red back spider?

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8 (eight) legs

less if they have been crushed or ripped off

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6mo ago

Redback Spiders have eight legs, like all spiders.

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17y ago

Eight simple eyes.

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15y ago

its either 4 or 8

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14y ago

All spiders legs have eight

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Q: How many legs does Red back spider have?
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How menny legs does a red back spider have?

All spiders have 8 legs.

What black spider has a red back and thick fuzzy legs legs?

The black widow spider is known for having a red hourglass-shaped mark on its abdomen and thick, fuzzy legs. This distinctive marking is a warning signal of its venomous nature.

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Often called a zipper spider or writing spider.

Can a red back spider kill a daddy long leg?

It is unlikely that a red back spider can kill a daddy long leg spider, as they have different habitats and prey preferences. Red back spiders are more likely to prey on insects and other small spiders rather than daddy long legs.

What is the scientiffic name for the red back spider?

It can just be a red back spider...

What type of spider has a bright red back and head with a black under body and black legs?

It can be hard to tell what kind of a spider you are looking at that has a red head and back and black and white striped legs, since the body type is also an important factor. Chances are that it is a red-headed jumping spider, which can cause a somewhat painful bite but is not otherwise dangerous to humans.

What type of spider has a bright red back with a black under body and black legs?

an indonesian ondrius (very rare)

Do redback spiders live in Australia?

The Red-back spider (Latrodectus hasselti) is commonly found in Australia. They are a small black venomous spider with long thin legs, and the females have a red stripe on their globular abdomen.

What kind of spider is black with a red stripe on it's back and lives in Arizona?

The spider you are describing is likely the black widow spider. Black widows are known for their shiny black bodies with a distinctive red hourglass shape on their underside. They can be found in Arizona and are known for their venomous bite.

What spider has red body with tiger striped hairy legs?

red widow

What kind of spider is green with red and yellow markings on it's back and legs?

The spider you are describing sounds like a green lynx spider (Peucetia viridans). They are known for their vibrant green coloration with red and yellow markings on their back and legs. These spiders are typically found in North and South America.

What kind of spider has bright red round back and abdomen size of pea and black legs?

It isn't a spider at all. It is an insect masquerading as a spider. I live in Tennessee and on June 19 encountered one on my porch. I killed it and the "body" fell off. On further inspection I found it only had 6 legs.